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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Good Evening @Ape™️ I wanted you to be the first to know that I'm back
  2. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I will be away until Saturday .. doing a journey of a lifetime .. meeting my bro-in law at Crewe and then overnight sleeper (separate cabins )to Inverness and then another train to Thurso!
  3. She should have remembered the Grouch Marx quote for his declining an offer of membership of a club named after himself. This is of course the "charity sector".
  4. I would be far more concerned regarding the reasoning behind this appointment. https://www.itv.com/news/2023-11-14/endometriosis-charity-slams-transphobic-reaction-to-new-trans-ceo
  5. What about a comeback for Bojo @PANZER MURPHY ?
  6. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I am glad that you care
  7. Miles

    Tom Daley

    What the fuck are you poking your nose in for get back to your imaginary one year old Bentley (or is now one year and two months old). One sister died at Arrowepark Hospital if that helps it was pancreatic cancer it was 5 weeks from diagnosis until she died .. the other died from a brain tumour she kept having falls bu would not see a doctor she then had a really bad fall and the ambulance was called she had left it too late for treatment and she had a lingering death and she in the fianal stages lost her mind and said all sort of weird things. I you find that amusing and worth joking about that is up to you I just would not wish what happened to them on anyone including you or anyone else on here.. as to me I am 71 years old and I am the youngest of eight children and there are two of us left, and I have health issues but people of my age tend to die sooner or later.
  8. Miles

    Tom Daley

    You really are a thicko .. it doesn't matter what time of the year the photo was taken. Why can't can't you just stop trolling .. you have never got over DSMO falling flat on its face.
  9. Miles

    Tom Daley

    The tramway is magic .. When I lived in Crewe I would often either catch a train or drive to Llandudno any month of the year and often even in December or January there would be mild sunny days. Generally Spring seems to come a couple of weeks earlier in that part of North Wales. Oddly I have always found the South East of England to be colder in Winter. There is no point in debating anything with Decco or Wiffy Wolfie as all they are interested in doing is shit storing and trolling .. perhaps what they need to do is to visit Wales .. somewhere like Flint or Cwmbran and see how tough they are if they try it on some of the hard nut from those places .. as a BT copper once told me "they really can drink and fight".
  10. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Someone on here and does know re my sisters and doubtless has the ability to double check on that and I have reason to believe that you have been warned. I do suspect that you have likely messaged Wolfie to stir the pot and he has fell into the trap. I really do not know what you motivations .. perhaps it might be an early sign of memory loss and the resulting confabulation. I would advise you to keep away from recreation drugs and alcohol The best thing for you would be keep your nose out and mind your own affairs just in case someone realises that you are just a crackhead who is losing his mind.
  11. Miles

    Tom Daley

    A would suggest that it might be better for you to find a quiet little job somewhere where people will just see you as an unthinking but harmless buffoon .. if you are in business you need to keep you big stupid gob shut because one wrong word can bring everything crashing down.
  12. Miles

    Tom Daley

    What the fuck is wrong with you? If you are going to go into business you will need to deal with your attitude problem .. all you will get from most of the people you think that are you friends on here is pisstaking when you fall flat on your face. Also why are you bringing my sisters into it (would you be prepared to accuse me of lying about my sisters cancer diagnose in a court of law?) are you really such a weak minded lowlife?
  13. I would have thought that with snooker that there would be no need for separate games for men and women .. I cannot see how a woman could be at a disadvantage against a man or a tranny. Its a bit like dominoes and chess then men playing snooker mostly appear to have pot bellies and manboobs anyway. Stand your ground against trannys in footie, cricket and cycling or any high energy sports but snooker is just pure skill, eye, concentration and mental capacity and fuck all to do with tits and bollocks .. you're not implying women have inferior mental capacity are you?
  14. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I am not concerning myself with matters of limits or cunts caning it for cash although that need to be borne in mind .. I would reckon that a limit of three dogs at a time might be a suitable limit but there are a lot of people out there who seem to be willing to spend very serious money to have their pets walked. Why do you not have the ability to keep your responses sensible and none insulting. Again what the fuck are you mentioning the insurance issue in my context for .. a general minimum for any business going on to public property will at least require public liability insurance, you will need specific insurance if you use a motor vehicle for the business .. if you go into places where there are vulnerable people you might need a DBS check. You should not be letting your mind wander re the bad dog walkers. rather you should looking at the chances for running a legitimate high class service that sets you apart from these unregulated chancers
  15. Miles

    Tom Daley

    U have just had basically one incarnation (persona since circa September 2009 and why that bothers you is a mystery .. surely you have better things to worry about that me.
  16. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I am serious here .. you're a doggie lover, why not look at one of the Friends for pets businesses dog walking & doggie day care etc? It seems that cunts are will to pay £30 to take their dogs on 30 minute walks some cunts are taking several dogs at a time .. its hard work and you of course got to collect the dogs and then take them back home .. but some people are managing to do up three sets of walks a day and earning £2k + a week. I would think that you already have the dog care knowledge with the need for training.
  17. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Could you enlighten me as to what makes you say that I "haunt this site 24/7" .. it does seem that a number you who seem to think that I am following this site 24?7 seem to be online here for a least double the time I am on here and also claim to have busy fulfilled lives The odd thing is that you seem to be here and posting for longer that some people who admit to either being retired or not in regular employment. As to what appendages I have you seem to have even less medical knowledge and sexual knowledge than any real life Forrest Gump .. what on Earth would a psychiatrist make of your ramblings and other sexual fantasies?
  18. Miles

    Tom Daley

    Wouldn't it be better if you left your long twitchy nose out and shut the fuck up regarding matters that have got fuck all to do with you?
  19. Miles

    Tom Daley

    You have never been to Llandudno have you? Even on the dullest of days being a seaside town it is brighter that any inland district and indeed brighter than most other seaside towns .. in spite of it being some 200 miles North of Torbay it has a similar climate year round very similar to South Devon and the south coast of Kernow .. a trip up the Great Orme is invigorating at any time of the year .. I am sure that @Mrs Roops can advise you .. there are some cheap holiday parks not too far away Abergele likely to be within your price range.
  20. Miles

    Tom Daley

    I have just been reading The Enquirer .. apparently Matthew Perry didn't need to die
  21. Miles

    Tom Daley

    This is a bit verbose for a shy stay at home lad like you 🫥
  22. From a genetic point of view pure bred Jews and Arabs are one and the same thing and Islam is actually simply a spin off of orthodox Judaism.
  23. Your dark hue and persona.
  24. Could you go easy ..I'm waiting for @Ape™️ to tell us that it is a shit nom.
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