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Posts posted by Miles

  1. On 03/09/2024 at 13:03, and said:

    Pair o' fuckin' cunts, I'd drown both of them in a barrel of their own piss.

    O'Brien used to work for the BBC, that tells you everything you need to know about him, probably left before the press came sniffing around what he'd been up to while he was employed by them.

    Starmer's Tony fuckin' Blair's glove puppet, an EU apologist and traitor to the nation, I want him dead.

    In principle the EU us a good idea if it protects the rights of all its members .. for a island nation such as the UK there will always be problems. The EU should also recognise that uncontrolled migration by people from other countries that lack or ideas of tolerance and freedoms is a threat and such people should be returned from whence they came.One lot we need to sort out are the "leftist" "Migrants Welcome" cunts along with the other fuckwit influencers who spout patronising nonsense on social media and elsewhere and call anyone who dares to question what they are saying as racists.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    When I Google Manchester Airport charges all I fucking get is "One more police officer charged with...". "Another police officer charged...". blah blah blah ABSOLUTELY ZILCH on the fucking "community" Thugs who broke a female officer's nose and decided to physically assault our frontline officers guarding a high security area.   The level of media manipulation, Google manipulation and Establishment suppression and state fucking mind bending is staggering.   



    Whoever voted for Labour is a fucking cunt and those few who still pop up crying how they've only been in a few weeks are cunts too. 

    It would have been the same under the tories. .. until we destroy this idea that a 17 year old (or indeed a 14, 15, or 16 year old is still a "child" we will get nowhere .. you can be naive at 14, 15, 16 or 17 years of age but you do know right from wrong.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I wouldn't say that. The predictable thing to have done was to engage The Wink and encourage him with his attacks, and to revel in Frank finally stabbing you in the back.

    I did the total opposite and you throw it in my fucking face.

    None of this is real .. @Frank is a virtual lovable rogue and of no concern to you.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Are you disappointed in @Frank for his support of The Wink even after he directed a barrage of nasty shit your way?

    I genuinely felt quite bad for you, actually, you've had that greasy, little maggot's back for well over a decade. If you ever fancy going twos up on him I'm more than happy to tag in and help you run him off the site.

    You are nothing if not predictable. Wink is is simply a figment of Wink's own tortured imagination.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    I have to say this. This spat shows the Wolf at his bone-idlest. Yet you end up getting destroyed. You weak little shitcunt. Just fuck off…an open goal & youve fucked it up.

    Is there some rule saying that you have to respond? Can you verify this statement and rule?

  6. 1 hour ago, and said:

    Now I get it, you're the 'Lonely widower', that's why you're so angry, pinned all you sexual hopes and dreams on a bit of dusky pussy, got robbed instead, you poor man.

     😍turned into🤑

    You mean because I'm not interested in fornicating with another species and breeding mulattos?

    Oh Wolfie, I wish I could be like you, you're so cosmopolitan, you and the Boys Club, spreading your love for mankind the world over. 

    There are some scammers impersonating airlines .. so that is how fat cunts make their money.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    Shut up you dog-hating piece of shit. The more comments you make such as this, the more it confirms you actually never owned two Jack Russells, which you allegedly "adored". You're full of shit, as with the plethora of conflicting dates your sisters allegedly died from cancer. Bullshit, all of it. And a huge disrespect to those who've lost loved ones to the disease.

    I don't know why you bother making post after post on a niche website on which you're already universally hated – and then further exacerbate your situation by advocating the posts of some stupid little teenage boy who uploads videos of people's dogs being killed by leopards. How old are you, seriously? Aren't you about 70? You ought to know better.

    The bullying will never stop – unless you do. In the absence of Billy, prepare your monster cock for further bruising, 'Lady' P.

  8. On 01/09/2024 at 12:42, ClitWestwood said:

    Absolutely! Write to your local mp and make it a policy to introduce emotional support leopards for the vulnerable and more leopards on the streets of Britain.Say do leopards like the taste of 'immigrants' cos we could kill two birds with one stone here, less dog shit on the street by proxy of less dogs and less murdering scum from dinghies.Excellent.

    Re-wilding the streets.

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/08/2024 at 20:38, ChildeHarold said:

    The disinformation curtain has come down as this very young boy of 34 years of age is whisked off onto custody.   Not terror related prob means he's an ethnic - I hear those rumour mills grinding away. 

    The 14 year old in Wales accused of 3 stabbings at a school, one adult and two kids, has had warnings issued by the police to social media not to release video of her attack online.   Ha ha ha!   She's pleading NOT guilt of attempted murder - of course! 


    The BBC masters of cover up have investigated Valdo Volcano and found a psychiatrist warned that he "could likely kill someone" after the cunt broke onto a neighbour flat and terrified her.  Nothing was done.   This would remain covered up if Volcano's own parents hadn't volunteered the info.  

    It's not just Two Tier Starmer its Cover Up Britain. 

    We now know that 60% of knife crime perpetrators NEVER see the inside of a jail. 

    Swift justice?   Deterrent to would be rioters?. What does Max Headroom Starmer know about deterrent? 

    We had 14 years of a government with a mandate to sort things .. all that happened was that things got much worse because there was "no business case" to do anything .. everything is a business and must offer value to stakeholders.

  10. On 01/09/2024 at 12:44, ClitWestwood said:

    It was probably just mulling over which condiment would go best with fido once he dragged it back to his tree.My fave part was when it rag dolled the dog down the stairs into the darkness like some sort of horror film lol lol.

    About 5 years ago we had a little hag from Paignton squealing that the local gulls should be exterminated because her little handbag dog had been seized and taken from her garden by a great black-back gull .. yes pure evil cruelty to turn a magnificent animal like a wolf into something the size of a rat and a wife the "cute" face of a gargoyle .. and that people who own these things think themselves to be animal lovers.

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