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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The British Rail carriage seats of the late 1960s into the 1970 had winged armchair style seats .. even in the second class, they were really comfortable and you could sleep in them in comfort as well. They would make almost anyone smile (unless a rather pervy Yorkshire man sat next to you and said "hows about that then?")..
  2. Miles

    HDMI Ports

    I wonder what else they do other than all this?
  3. Miles

    HDMI Ports

    I bet that she also looked after Prince Philip's Range Rover.
  4. Please don't tell me that he murdered poor Snatch and then deep fried him .. poor Snatch he was just like ApeTM except that he almost had a sense of humour,
  5. Miles

    HDMI Ports

    Like this? .. she's South African and of Zulu, Irish & Indian descent and with all that water she has to be clean. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-67747565
  6. How do you know what he looks like? I thought that only @Old Chap Raasclaat could do those Voodo tricks?
  7. Miles

    The Last Day

    They are not migrants .. they are simply out for a friends sea trip.
  8. @Old Chap Raasclaat .. I now know how you make your money .. and it is evil .. pure evil. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001tcgf/panorama-the-billionaire-bishop-and-the-global-megachurch?page=1
  9. Miles

    HDMI Ports

    Be careful .. he has got connections.
  10. Miles

    The Last Day

    At least the official total of people using rubber boats to cross the channel to the UK is down by one third on 2022 at 28,526.
  11. Miles

    The Last Day

    Richard Branson* .. *terms and conditions apply.
  13. My guess is that @Ape™️ is hammered on smack or spice.
  14. Fuck Off you miserable old cunt Happy New Year.
  15. Miles

    The Last Day

    I am going out into the sunshine for a couple of hours .. are you still stinking and farting in bed?
  16. Old Uncle Eric was alert and inquisitive ringht to the very end even in the hospital .. Where am I? Who are you? What do you want? Has @Old Chap Raasclaat made his usual fuckwit response to this thread? .. Those were his final questions.
  17. She was a Londoner and a devout Muslim.
  18. It was totally expected, she was a healthy 97 year old.
  19. Miles

    The Last Day

    It is the last day of 2023 for any celebrity cunt to pop their clogs .. any suggestions or hopes for final 2023 expiree celebrities?
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