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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 14 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Eric is a man of many talents.

    There are five of these cottages alongside the old Thames & Severn Canal. All are occupied bar this one. You used to be able to get inside this one it is now simple an empty shell. Oddly although some distance from the nearest lane it has got a rising water main supply.  The Coates one can be seen from the train as you travel from Kemble to Stroud.  A mess has been made with the one at Marston Meysey with a large rather vulgar house having being built to one side of it. The one at Chalford really needs its stucco reinstating. The best of them imho is the one at Cerney Wick. I am surprised that a local builder of your talents and wealth has not acquired the Coates one and restored it as a tasteful residence.

  2. 14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    I know you are genetically predisposed to making things up MC, but I didn't actually say that which rather renders your diatribe as utterly pointless. Be that as it may, any fule and bogus chartered surveyor kno's (or should know) is any building built before 1700 is listed. I take your point about the contrast of the contemporary and the traditional in some structures (usually to provide ease of use in publically accessible buildings but not 16th century farmhouses, especially in AONBs. Modern building techniques and materials can be used but only if utilised to preserve the original material and even then there must be compatibility which must not detract from the period and character of the building, otherwise planners with heritage concerns in mind will insist on traditional materials and build methods.

    Incidentally, its probably not a good idea to lecture me about what an orangey is as if you are a person replete with sophistication and taste - remember, you've posted a picture of your house interior with all its drab and tackiness for everyone to see...

    I have found Mon's Mansion. Its at a place called "Coates" near Cirencester. I did knock on the door but he wasn't in.


  3. 1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

    @Monumental cunt, as seems to be a common theme, I disagree with everything you say. 

    If I want to whizz straight through a checkout and don’t have to queue behind fat fucking retards who refuse to get their payment ready, shoot off to get something they forgot or take forever packing their bags like a high-functioning autistic cunt, then I’m happy to go through a self-serve. Maybe you’re desperate for human interaction so you can discuss your RS5?

    The idea of fast food, is that it’s fast, quelle sur fucking prise (the clue is in the name, I think). Why do you want to chat to some acne riddled remedial asking if you want fries? Do you lack the mental capacity to construct your own order via modern technology? 

    Fucking idiot. 

    Do you want fries with that? 

  4. 1 minute ago, Monumental cunt said:

    Yes the car was jacked but the house is still here along with everything else.  Fucking annoyed to be jacked by a gang of asian.  I did tell the police it was all set up by Bill Stickers and gave them his details.  They had them already on their sex offenders list of course.

    Rule 7

  5. 4 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

    The electrification of the system seems to have stalled.

    They're going to put batteries in the trains .. Poundland at Cardiff has sold out of AA and Triple As already.

  6. 1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Nope, because I never use public transport. The last time I took a train uncle Jimmy Savile was saying "This is the age of the train, Uhuhuhuhuhuh". 

    Dee Dah.

  7. But part of the problem shews on you photo .. litter bins that are not empty or protected from being emptied by gulls. There is a strong chance that everything on the goround in your photo has actually been put in the bins but has either blown out or been pulled out by gulls. It would help if bins were actually emptied sometime in the early evening after 7PM.

  8. Tessa was and still is a staunch remainer. The 2017 election was a clever move intended to off foot the Brexiteers and that is what it did. All her playing around has a single object which is to fuck up any chances of us leaving the EU or even if we do manage to leave us shackled to it so that at some point we have to go back cap in hand. A simple no deal walk out would have left us in the strongest position. For Tessa she knows that her days  as PM are until the next election at most. The time afterward her period as PM is what she is playing for .. all those lucrative after dinner speeches where regardless of what happens she can remove herself from blame but still say "I told you so". Cameron has almost vanished from history .. Tessa is simply making sure that she will be visible for a long time to come and that the ears of the "right people" prick up every time she speaks.

  9. On 7/12/2018 at 8:28 AM, Panzerknacker said:

    I suppose it is all coming home really. .it's not looking good...I suggest a reverent Jim jones approach and get that mullet headed gobshite that runs witherspoons to put more poison in that piss he flogs and y'all drink it ..lie straight out to facilitate ease of disposal of yer carcasses. ..none of this rolled in a ball shite. 


    This takes me back to "Ivan's" post on  a certain forum concerning what could have only been his own experiences of the male "G-spot"., anus horriblus seems to be an apt description lol

  10. On 7/1/2018 at 8:27 AM, Stubby Pecker said:

    I'd fancy seeing you in a coffin being lowered into the ground. Alive or dead, I'm not bothered.

    Do you wear a bra every day or just as a fashion statement?

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