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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 27 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Take note @Decimus. None of us are interested in hearing these outlandish fantasies of some, only to be dreamed of, playboy, jet-set lifestyle where you are living the high life, travelling on a commuter train full of annoying kids. 

    Take your imaginary, billionaire renaissance man lifestyle and shove it up your pseudo bourgeoisie arse.

    He was actually chatting her up and telling her about his "executive" job at the council and made the fatal error of telling her that childcare services came under his remit.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I'm currently at glawster station pen, about to leave the promised land for some Black Country favela. Do I jump off at Cheltenham Spa, hot foot it to the college ground and spend the day watching our boys make hay against the hapless Sussex and their much vaunted Barbados born pace attack, or continue on my scientific endeavours to Brum, pausing only to imagine your disgusting wannabe hermaphrodite body crushed under the 9:13 to Great Malvern? 

    Best advice I can offer is to get off at Cheltenham, cross the footbridge and get a train back to Gloucester .. nothing good ever comes from a visit to Brum.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Bigwigs were already in the social club when the locals joined and the locals had more weight than their numbers justified ..but they squandered it infighting and looking for enemies that didnt exist so the committee worked around them 


    I have been a member of several clubs where there were no big wigs involved originally but then there was some little financial glitch that required "professional" help to sort and that is when the big wig gets his/her fingers in the pie.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Had the locals kept their seats on the committee instead of stayin at home or fighting each other  the bigwigs wudna had it all their own way maybe perhaps 


    The problem is that they let the big wigs in, in the first place. A lot of football cubs have gone the same way, once they were "clubs" now they are PLCs. Simply that the money men saw their chance and pushed the original committee out regardless. The same thing happened to building societies that became banks and mutual insurance funds that became insurance companies. The members had n real choice and were offered a bribe that they could not refuse. The EU is like that, the people have no real influence. Panzer you say that you are "disabled" .. being moderately disabled was bearable here until less than 10 years ago then in came a new government who made disability an offence and used the disabled as a scapegoat. I give you five years before the same thing is happening in the ROI .. no running through Phoenix Park then .. if you can wave a finger or toe you can work .. no matter that there are no jobs anyway. That is what the new truth will be.

  5. The EU is a lot like that social club that you mum and dad joined 40 odd years ago. They played whist and dominoes and they had a bowling green and a telly in the corner of the snug and you could buy cheap beer. Later some big wigs joined the committee and after a while bought a plot of land nearby and laid out a golf course. After a while the big wigs on the committee built a new clubhouse on the golf course and sold the social club and bowling green to a house builders. By then all the locals had stopped going to the social club anyway because of the big wigs and instead sat at home watching the telly because there was nowhere for them to go.

  6. 23 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    "......surrounded by cctv a tracker and anpr cameras and no one knows where the fuck it is,"

    I can understand your pain regarding the cctv camera.  Have you looked in the boot of your car?  

    Fucking hell, that one's deep .. some of the thick cunts here will not get back to the surface in time.

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