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Posts posted by Miles

  1. On 7/17/2018 at 8:43 AM, Stubby Pecker said:

    I'm currently at glawster station pen, about to leave the promised land for some Black Country favela. Do I jump off at Cheltenham Spa, hot foot it to the college ground and spend the day watching our boys make hay against the hapless Sussex and their much vaunted Barbados born pace attack, or continue on my scientific endeavours to Brum, pausing only to imagine your disgusting wannabe hermaphrodite body crushed under the 9:13 to Great Malvern? 

    I have now read both of the "papers". Spelling mistakes are many, grammar not good, level of research excellent. Do you have any thoughts on reverting much of Norfolk to a quagmire and whether it would make a reintroduction of the  Large Copper worth trying?

  2. 2 hours ago, Punkape said:

    Catholic Church attendances are going up worldwide which to a satanist such as yourself must be agony.

    Why do you like creepy figures?  Is your unhealthy fixation based on your own physical deformities?

    Are you a hunchback? You can still go to church and ring the bells if you are.....

    lol. 😂 😝 


    Fuck off.

    oooh look you got a Stubby like!

  3. 12 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

    After deciphering this bollocks, I’ve got to ask: did you run a spellcheck before submitting your papers? 

    Could you please keep off my side. This little tiff is personal between Stubber's and myself.

  4. 18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You obviously do, otherwise you wouldn't have commented

    Be careful, Bill and Babba's egos are very fragile, it will all end in tears (for them).

  5. 25 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Thus proving the amazing adaptability of wildlife to take advantage of thick fucking human twats and our lazy and wasteful ways. Gulls are an issue in some seaside towns and I've been victim to a pasty stealing cunt in Padstow and one that had one of the stubblets ice cream in Looe, resulting in many tears. Rather than persicuting the gulls, if tiny precautions are taken, most problems can be avoided. Anyone one who buys food and throws it away, for example, should know better. 

    I digress of course, and would happily spend a day twitching if the corpse of pen/Albert/anon/slippers was left on the beach to attract various scavengers.

    I would like to see you "twitching" after being hit by a virginator train passing non-stop through Gloucester on its way to Brum from Brizzle.

  6. 7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    My dad put his foot through the TV screen years ago when the BBCs coverage of Surrey v Hampshire Sunday league match was interrupted for coverage of the Portuguese sidecar grand Prix. "Ya cunts yers" he shouted as his foot went through the screen. 

    Punker's is only interested in the Grand Pricks.

  7. 15 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

    What on earth have you 'bin' up to at work at 4am? I don't start until 07:30 but then again, my collar is definitely white.

    A few councils have tried this, the idea is that the binman can finish work around noon. Walk into his local boozer and stay there until about 4PM. Stagger home have a row with his missus as soon as she gets home from work and then fuck off to bed at about 7PM. It rarely works as most of them like snowdrop go straight to bed and get up about 6PM go to the boozer and then come back home about midnight for a couple of hours kip. They're still over the limit at 4AM and get pulled by coppers finishing a night turn and wanting a couple of hours overtime.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


    As it turns out the main objection with regards to the "visual impairment" concern was the inclusion of a greenfield parcel of land which formed part of the development plan and not the brownfield constituent, namely the former Coalite plant as it was accepted that not only the buildings were an eyesore but the structure and land had to be removed and decontaminated. It was interesting to note that the consultation paper was scathing of the developers for not having any viable risk assessment, costings or procedures to remove the pollutants. I can only presume they hired a local surveyor to do a drive-by for fifty quid. 

    There is a housing project on an old gasworks site at Paignton that has now been on hold for about 10 years because of this contamination issue. It look like the issue might never be resolved.

  9. The BBC's old principle used to be to "educate and Inform", somewhere along the way those principles were lost. Rather than observe and report they not only decided to run with the hounds,  but to try to lead the pack and they have now been fucked over by a "national treasure".

  10. Possibly there might have been objections to the demolition of the coking site by people who had aspirations to at some point restart the mining of coal. The local MP is I think "The Beast of Bolsover" and he has been somewhat vocal on employment issues in the area and of the type of employers setting up in these employment parks (along with who they tend to employ). The likes of this "Sir Barry" do tend to be disconnected from the realities of life for the majority of people.

  11. On 7/12/2018 at 7:41 PM, Couldn't give a shit said:

    This turd has been throwing his weight around with passengers on his shit cattle truck service. Having experienced several journeys with this fucking disgrace of an operator, I think I would have told him to fuck off and fetch an armed response unit if he had told me to move so he could sprawl his skinny arse over two seats.





    Shouldn't he face a penalty for that absurd haircut?


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