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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 21 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Aren't they all called Ahmid? Because when the soldiers come to their village they all come out in the open and shout "Ahmid here", "Ahmid over here". 

    Fuck off Wolfie 

    They should be hanged by the neck whilst the Colon Sisters sing "Ahmid The Mood For Dangling".

  2. 10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    There is no little irony in these murderous bastards crying for their human rights - although I suspect they themselves couldn't give a fuck, and it's the industry of apologists that surround them that are wetting themselves in their hypocrisy.

    They are just the end result of a "production system" than produces them. That production system needs to be closed down. The radical preachers are known along with the mosques that they operate from. The preachers need to at the minimum have their UK status removed and sent to the flea-holes paradises they wish to emulate and of course the mosques they work from closed down. We also need restore the right for people to challenge religious belief and faith so that religious zealots are shown to be the brain-washed fools that they are.

  3. 1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

    These men gave up British civil rights and basic human rights when they joined another nation that has neither. Isis execute (murder is the correct word) people in many horrific ways, so they are now under those rules. Execution should be carried out by using my favourite method of quatering by horse or motorcycle/truck/car.

    Nailing them to an old rugged cross and leaving them to die in sun would be the best option.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Yes, the childlike wonderment and anticipatory excitement of debating the proportional occurrence of carbon inclusions in 3/4 inch re-bar, with a corporate meeter and greeter from Llandudno.

    The three of us should get together for a reunion someday.

    Carefree salad days, passing us by with the whimsical sadness of the death of summer, punctuated by the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot.

    Have you ever been up the Great Orme?

  5. 2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You're a window cleaner.

    The window cleaner's just been. He uses a long reach brush attached to tank in the back of his van. He say's that he not allowed to use ladders because of elf n' safety.

  6. 44 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Oh dear. Are you having one of those, who to be offended on behalf of days? It's difficult for the rest of us to tiptoe round your sensibilities, as we never know if you've decided to be a hermaphrodite, or just a big poof dressed as Norman Bates's mum, from one week to the next.

    congratulations on successfully breaching rule 5 though.

    Ya big feckin heemasex.

    Please consult with Mrs R concerning "rule 5", AFASK, there are no multis here. I am only 5' 6" which is not big. I expect that your "SECURITY" jacket is hanging behind the door at present.

  7. 17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Yes, the second type should all be euthanised, starting with Rylan Clark and that cunt out of Coronation Street who minces about, flapping his hands and saying, "oooh!"

    It must be really frustrating being afraid to leave your house without wearing one of those jackets with the word "SECURITY" printed on the back in large letters.

  8. 1 hour ago, judgetwi said:

    I agree with the general thrust of your narrative but “normal blokes who go to B&Q and railway museums”?

    Railway Museums?? Are you trying to win the favour of the fragrant and elegant Lady Penelope? I wouldn’t bother if I were you. If Acker Bilk couldn’t get in her knickers you’ve got no fucking chance!

    Winning no favours with me as I don't go to railway museums or B&Q .. do you have a Back Street Heros' t-shirt and tattoo?

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