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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 18 hours ago, Punkape said:

    Alarmist scientists have found a terrifying new ‘ climate change’ threat: mutant transgender turtles.

    Their study, titled Environmental Warming and Feminization of One of the Largest Sea Turtle Populations in the World, warns that global warming could turn the world’s sea turtle populations female, possibly leading to their extinction.......Excellent I can’t stand the creature and turtle soup is disgusting.

    The study authors, from NOAA’s Marine Mammal and Turtle division in La Jolla, California, analyzed sea turtle populations on beaches at the northern and southern ends of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Mr Southerncunt, a local alcoholic aboriginal/Irish halfbreed Australian announced his horror at the possible extinction of the turtles and loss of potential coupling equipment.......whatever that meant......


    So you have been trying to hump sharks on the Great Barrier Reef .. who the fuck did you manage to get there in your Trabant? Also do you have a 6' 9" tall "girlfriend" called "Susan" who has a very deep voice?

  2. 17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Instant derailment of thread with more tedious, repetitive brexit toss. 

    I bet everyone who knows you thinks that you're a boring wanker, with the possible exception of the lonely, desperate, disabled fat women who you perversely violate.



    Panz is capable of better .. the original slightly creepy panz could wind anyone up and it was usually something new each time when he did it.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Iam Ape said:

    Where do you fit in then? It’s well documented that you’re a raving fudge packer.

    Show him a Filipino  man and you'll see exactly where he fits in,

  4. 2 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    Why'd we need a tunnel to see second class English people ..we have them 90 miles up the road fer fuk sake!



    If they're "up the road" why not run across?


  5. 4 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

    What's needed, and is long overdue, is tunnel from Wales to Ireland, single lane, One Way and no 'U' Turns. .  

    A migrant tunnel direct from Calais to Dublin would be better.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    It's yer own farmers that'll feel the pinch of drying up subs..the tessy could conscript the chavs and the elderly to pick the fruit to prevent it rotting in the fields so it can rot on the back of a truck waiting in a 100 mile tailback in Dover 



    That's what the M2 has always been like .. tailbacks of lorries waiting to go through the Port of Dover or on a train through the tunnel and that will include a lot of Irish lorries. That has fuck all to do with whether or not we are in the EU, its because there is no land border. A further factor that causes delays in France with traffic coming into the UK are the fucking illegal migrants trying to sneak through. Don't compare it with the situation that you have in the ports in Ireland, the UK population is about 12 times that of Ireland with most of the traffic (including that from Ireland) going through four main ports. English  Felixstowe, Dover, The Tunnel and Southampton.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:


    There are many institutions I would rather be out of. A corrupt, bloated, wasteful and not fit for purpose institution run by an unelected drunkard is definitely one of them.

    Anarchy is in our blood when the system is proved shite.

    Now how about throwing yourself under a bus?



    Noakes has huge knackers

    He will need to do that quickly as once the UK is out of the EU and the subsides dry up Ireland will be back on shank's pony and old (donated from the UK) Raleigh pushbikes.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    The EU is not a country on it's own..barnier has a mandate to speak for all the others ..the true face of the UK is on show..willing to undermine the institution if it won't play ball..and it's willingness to throw whoever under the bus as long as it gets it way..you need to be more pragmatic and bin some red lines..you'll do better


    The UK has played ball and mostly by the rules too.  Others have found devious ways to restrict exports from other EU members, France especially. You take the BSE crisis as an example when France placed illegal restrictions on the import of British (and Irish) meat and other agricultural produce whilst turning a blind eye to its own farmers (who were also having issues with BSE their livestock to quietly release meat from their livestock into the system whilst claiming that there was no BSE in France. There is also the issue of the EU sanctioning and encouraging the movement of livestock for slaughter in inhumane conditions whilst restricting the movement of frozen meat.

  9. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    It must have been easier for you to cope with the smell of shit than it was for your colleagues, having spent years emptying your colostomy pouch as a result of a ringpiece that'd seen more action than Rocky over the years. 

    I have only ever used said ringpiece to shit through .. doubtless though you being a wuffta your backbox will have felt more than a few pork swords.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    That would be particularly bad timing, given that peak North Sea oil probably already happened, and the unit extraction costs will increase almost exponentially for the poor quality inaccessible deposits that remain. Unless Scotland is sitting on rich seams of lithium and cobalt that have hitherto been overlooked, I wouldn't expect the funding of free prescriptions and university places to last too long after such a vote.

    Interestingly the known UK cobalt deposits are at Alderley Edge in Cheshire and somewhere unpronounceable in Wales.

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