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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 13 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

    Can't give you the count you requested, except to say the silly sod hasn't yet realised that each post comes stamped with the poster's name and avatar, obviating the need for a signature within the body of the post.

    As for content, think sub-Prof B except without the breadth of content....or the intellectual depth come to think of it....with a few fake Paddywhackeries ('yizzes' and 'laffins' feature heavily) for that stamp of authentic bollocks


    Do you think that he could actually come from somewhere like Dorking in Surrey?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    In was never scotch slippers baby..that was the assumption of some of the inmates here.. I neither confirmed nor denied ..as for metamorphasizing into somthing else..I've no need..I've been named many things here ...Rotherham isn't that where the bicycles are made?


    But why not change into something that everyone thinks is some cunt from Rotherham? Anything is better than this inane drivel that you are presently coming out with.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

    I'll take that as a yes ..the article was accurate and is this not cunts corner where cuntbaggery is called out?..even if it emanates from the elected elite ..and I'm not anti British..Y'all need to thicken up yer skins a bit 


    Panzer you were once scotch and then became oirish ..is there any chance of you undergoing another metamorphosis into some cunt from Rotherham?

  4. 4 minutes ago, ratcum said:

    I think you should be offered a choice of hearing people being executed in different ways CB. All forms of dispatch would need to be slow of course. The following methods suggest themselves:

    1. Garotting
    2. Eaten alive by kittens
    3. Teaching

    I once met Lesley Garott

  5. On 7/29/2018 at 2:41 PM, Gareth Hunt said:

    After numerous recent discussions down the pub, I have been dismayed to note how prevalent these types are, especially in boozers of the "micro pub/brewery" niche.

    It seems that some people will only be happy when there are no borders, no nations, no differentiated races; instead, the dream appears to be a world full of coffee-coloured people, roaming the planet at will, all bumming each other and stuff. C.U. Next Tuesday is what I say.


    You can stick your Gold Blend and John Steed up your back passage.

  6. 5 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

    Britain is currently in the middle of developing pilotless fighter jets, remind me what spud land is currently developing?



    Panzer has actually got a form of "locked in syndrome " where he has to type his posts out on a special "keypad" using eye movements. The version of locked in syndrome he has is called "Locked In The EU Syndrome". Sadly death will be his only release.

  7. 6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    What about comedians? "For racist, homophobic and sexist comedy press 1 for Bernard Manning, if you want to listen to some squeeky voiced Geordie going on about biscuits and her cat press 2 for Sarah Millican, if you want to listen some middle class cunt going on about his kid saying "juice" but sounds like 'Jews'  press 3 for Michael McIntyre or if you want some jock who you can't understand because of their accent and early onset Alzheimer's then press 4 for Billy Connolly or  press 5 to listen to Helen Keller sing DoingThe Lambeth Walk".

    The only press and hold I wanted to do on Bernard Manning was to press and hold his windpipe for about ten minutes.

  8. 23 hours ago, Punkape said:

    Useful information for Autumnal holiday planning...

    Did you ever work for the railway .. perhaps on the track at Crewe .. Was it you who laid a length up Sydney?

  9. On 7/28/2018 at 1:32 PM, Punkape said:

    Jeans are for teenagers with dubious sexual identities, faggots, biker gangs,drug addicts, rodeo fantasists and other assorted wankers and degenerates.

    Jeans are largely banned at most up market establishments, clubs and sports meetings so why on earth pay for cloth designed as workwear for agricultural peasants in the southern USA.

    Indeed why on earth would anyone have the name of known homosexuals on the arse of their trousers? (Armani, Versace, Dolce and Bender).

    i wear chinos and properly tailored trousers.

    Karl Lagerfeld is a massive cunt.


    Fuck off.

    Punker's do you say "Rugby" or "Rugger"?

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