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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    Thanks for the warning. Let me return the favour by advising you not to waste a single second on anything Pen posts ever again. Rumour has it that in 2011 she posted something that wasn't complete and utter fucking dogshit, but statistically speaking you're on safe ground just ignoring everything to be on the safe side.

    Ooooh you got a like from Craig!

  2. 7 hours ago, sean5302 said:

    In fact, how is Dec here? Whenever I go to Norfolk, people are surprised that my BMW hasn't got a power take-off and shackles for a plough.

    Is it possible to post here, on a typewriter, from the library?

    Genuinely surprised. Bootiful, ooh aah.

    You can use a stencil.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    You've got thinner skin than an pack of lepers. 

    Try a witty repost or perhaps something funny once in a while.

    Failing that, the mainline at Crewe or Aust cliff

    Can you say that again Craig?

  4. 4 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Any chance you could cable tie a heavy duty bin liner round your neck and jump into the Severn at Aust whilst holding a breeze block? 

    You first Craig.

  5. 9 hours ago, sean5302 said:

    Hmm. 40 years ago I'd be starting my first job. We used to have jobs here then. Now it's all queers who've come up from the south. Somebody looked atthem "funny" and the Police haven't got time to comfort them. They work for the DPP and suchlike here.

    After you retired did you open a shop in Rotherham that sold surgical appliances and disability aids? Also about three or four years ago did you get a visit from a rather shifty Swedish gentleman? @Drew Peacock any chance that you can check this cunt out?

  6. 7 hours ago, sean5302 said:

    Surprised that none of you cunts have commented about all this.

    I was unable to access my accounts with the TSB last April.

    I tried to get them closed online and then by phone. They refused, I'd have to visit a branch.

    I was over in East Yorkshire and went to the Goole branch.

    After 40 minutes' waiting, the doddering, pensionable old cunt behind the counter finally worked out how to do it.

    She then tried to thrust £2000 in uncounted notes, into my hand. This bank really is a disgrace.

    I've been in contact with them again, as they refused to pay interest up to the point I closed the accounts.

    I see they're still not right today, with £176 million losses and two thirds of complaints not looked at yet.

    A real shower of cunts. They should be here with us.


  7. 25 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

    Well, from what I've read of your stuff, you don't do well with folk from anywhere.

    Are you a student .. the sort that chants. "We're here! We're queer! We can't pay nine grand a year! .. you will go well as part of the clique.

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