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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    After almost 4 years here, I'd beg to differ.

    One assumes a proper explanation of my legitimate question regarding the multiple IDs and special mates rules, isn't forthcoming?

    Stubby this is Cunts Corner .. it is not a Cotswolds flower meadow and you are not here to do a study of the flora and fauna or to make a report. You keep coming back to ask the same question to which you have been told you will not get an answer and even where you do get an answer you go on asking the same fucking question. Being as you are an ecologist this is slightly odd, as you are behaving more like a creationist who has been given perfectly reasonable answers and explanations based on scientific facts but still come back asking the same questions because it does not fit in with his/her creationist beliefs. I would be tempted to say that you are in the wrong place, but in reality although you are not in slightest bit amusing or funny the fact that you keep coming back to be kicked around is amusing to watch. Although your fixation with my gender and in what might be in my knickers is slightly creepy.

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  2. 57 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

    Whenever I end up somewhere with a famous landmark, statute or building, I've very rarely felt the need to take a blurry, poorly lit, portrait orientated iphone photo of it, partially obscured by my finger and someone else's head.

    If I did want to get a photo of it, I'd at least want someone I know, or something interesting to be happening around it, as I'm taking it. Why do so many tourists feel so compelled to take a fucking shit, completely generic shot of the Eiffel tower, stars on the Hollywood boulevard or any similar attraction?

    No-one ever looks back through these millions of photos that must exist globally, clogging up iclouds and hard drives and desk draws. And if you did want to remember what you saw, you could just google the fucking thing and get a crisp, high definition, well framed shot of it.

    Fucking morons.

    Are you one of the local "sights/sites"?

  3. 1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    You really are a one dimensional idiot Dec's. It makes me laugh 

    Its interesting how so many on here are fixated with chicks with dicks .. I do sometimes wonder how many of the "men" here actually have "manginas".

  4. 5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I remember that one clearly, it disturbed me as a kid, because the bloke hammering up the ladder, was calling me a 'paranoid little bastard' , in morse code.

    And then the the was the man who finally parked properly .. was he Reginald Molehusband?

  5. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    I imagine it was seen as quite tame, in comparison to the 'public information/safety films' that the government was churning out in the late 60s and 70s.

    you know, the ones that convinced an entire generation that if they ever left the house, or plugged in an appliance within the house, or got within a mile of some water, that they would die in screaming agony.

    What about the one that warned about falling hammers .. was that Fender's dad?

  6. 32 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    I've got no issue with folk being interested in actual real history that actually really happened, it's the weird fucking cunts that seem to be attracted to these gathering who should be instantly killed with a broad sword. I've attended Tewkesbury medieval fair a couple of times, site of one of the pivotal battles in the war of the roses and part of our heritage. But fuck me, walking around its full of beardy weirdy lord of the rings cunts who believe in dragons, pixies and hobbits and are dressed accordingly. If these wankers were around at the time of the actual events they would have been burnt at the stake. Where's Vincent Price the witch finder general when you need him.

    You being one of the pixies.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Never mind Craig, I'd like to throw you off a crag, smashing your stupid head on the rocks below, leaving twitching like a spastic. 

    How are your likes coming on this week considering nobody actually reads your posts that are over 10 words?

    my likes are doing as intended

  8. 1 hour ago, sean5302 said:

    Shares in the electric carmaker jumped 10pc in after-hours trading this evening after Tesla said it could be "sustainably profitable" by the end of the year.

    It reported a loss of $742m (£565m) for the three months to June 30, slightly down on its previous numbers. However, revenues rose to $4bn in the three months to June 30, up from $2.7bn, and its negative free cash flow came in at around $160m below analyst expectations, at $740m, as it burned much less cash than in recent quarters.

    What the heck is "could be"?

    What is "sustainably profitable".

    All bollocks.

    Presumably customers living in Nevada and Birmingham will have already given Dr Bonkers their credit card details for priority delivery.

    This is all very heartening proving that the frailty of human nature and stupidity lives on living the American dream.....

    I had it explained to me once. Its based on the idea that the rise in the value of the physical or salable assets exceeds that of the losses in trading. Often the brand itself become an asset of value where its name is attached to unrelated products. I think that the mighty Trumpton himself values his name at about $3Billion and increases that figure from time to time to cover for the losses elsewhere. It a good racket that usually falls apart after death such as what happened when "Captain" Bob Maxwell fell off his yacht leaving his offspring with a massive pile of debt as will likely happen to Trump's offspring.

  9. 59 minutes ago, sean5302 said:

    Can I believe the world I'm living in?

    Tesla has announced it only lost £565 million over the last quarter, so the share price has risen 10% today.

    I wonder if there's any way of getting the names and addresses of anyone who bought a Tesla. I reckon I could sell them anything.

    Look at Dr. Bonkers' latest venture.


    They're absolutely marvellous.

    I have to go for a lie down now.

    I thought that Mr "Beardy" Branson's enterprises worked like this.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

    It's a shame they can't re-enact the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki using Cork and Limerick, but I fear that would fall foul of authenticity guidelines.

    Panzer is also making me wish that I did not vote REMAIN, (although I did not vote REMAIN).

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