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Everything posted by Miles

  1. There are stories that Neil Armstrong was seen back on Earth a few weeks after the moon landing.
  2. Why not put your missus's 6" stilettoes on and then seen how you curtsied.
  3. There are an increasing number of people in full time work who are living rough because of the cost of renting accommodation which ironically would be paid if they were out of work.
  4. Yes, and he might have been a wino. There are a range of benefits that vagrants can claim if they can prove that they are destitute and have got formal identification.
  5. As I suggested elsewhere I suspect that he is in fact a priest, perhaps he has been unfrocked and is stuck up some priest's hole.
  6. I understand that there is evidence that many of these schools are receiving subsidies and tax relief that state school do not get on account of these "public" schools being registered as charities. I am sure that I read a recent claim that it cost the state more per pupil in these schools than it does in the state sector. There is also a similar racket going on with private hospitals.
  7. Punker's goes around dressed as a priest you would know nothing until he had you in his holy grope.
  8. If he was living rough but still trying to access some form of benefits it would be perfectly reasonable for him to have both his driving licence and birth certificate with him.
  9. Be careful .. Punker's will be waiting for you to down your trousers.
  10. @Punkape is this your priest as stated above or, is this in fact you and the cunt posting as @Punkape is actually your priest?
  11. I see trouble ahead.
  12. Has @Punkape been asked for an opinion about the goings on at Ampleforth College yet?
  13. Have they any proof that he was alive before he died?
  14. I would have thought that this nom would have hogged the corner for a while .. I'll get me pork chops & side of bacon.
  15. Doesn't look like its changed https://www.backstreetheroes.com/
  16. Is it still going .. I saw an oldie wearing a BSH teeshirt yesterday.
  17. That's a Gloucester Old Spot.
  18. He has said that he is bald .. but also says that he shaves his head. So the current Stubby is now one of those despicable cunts who shave everything off bar the part of the hair that forms the ponytail itself.
  19. You certainly have a fixation with Mrs R .. are you "Four Eyed Cunt" from that other forum?
  20. MC does remind me of someone I knew on another forum, he made claims of doing building work and also to have a large disposable income from interest on savings .. "Four-Eyed Cunt" was the name he used.
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