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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Do you remember him killing insurgents in Afghanistan by breaking their necks with his bare hands and saying that he heard a "click" as their bones snapped?
  2. Granada TV Rentals happy days .. briefly worked for them in 1972. What a load of cunts, their motorway services were crap as well.
  3. And lives is a similar area to Colon's last reported sighting.
  4. Out of interest would Volkswagen AG be happy for one of its retired "directors" to be discussing its business on a site such as this?
  5. Why not sue me? I am Lord Bertram Creighton-Ward of Creighton-Ward Mansion.
  6. So there has been an 80% vote in favour of year around summer time in the EU .. I am all in favour as I like warm weather. Anyone who doesn't like it is a cunt.
  7. A lot of women use their cycle daily to go to work etc.
  8. Doctors' punch-up over Laura Kuenssberg's ugly mush. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6117613/Leading-surgeon-punched-doctor-face-drunken-restaurant-row.html
  9. I had an electric fan fitted to my Sprint, it cured the problems.
  10. I once had a Triumph Dolomite Sprint .. what do you think of that?
  11. Miles

    Theresa May

    Howdy Judgie baby.
  12. That is what really annoy me. You go into a station waiting room and there is a queue of dopey old cunts ordering latte's and mochas, and even when you order a fucking black coffee instead of putting a couple of teaspoons of Nescafe in a cup they have to take 10 minutes and do all that fucking banging on the coffee machine and it tastes like coal ash when you get it.
  13. There is an ad. that reads "more punch than a flat white". A flat white is a fucking milky coffee ffs. You go into one of these cunting places and order a black coffee and the cunt behind the counter say's "americano" and then after making it asks you if you want milk in it!
  14. What colonies .. were you in any of the armed forces?
  15. I understand that he is upset after his recent visit to Ireland having found that most people there have disconnected from the church and don't give a fuck about what old men dressed in frocks think.
  16. "you are" not "your". "Tranny" is someone who dresses a member of the opposite sex or has undergone gender re-assignment. I neither dress in the clothes of the "opposite sex or have I had "gender re-assgnment surgery". Now go and get fucked you fat lump of camel droppings.
  17. Anyone who reads the bible from end to end will become an atheist because the bible is a load of bollocks.
  18. @Punkape Explain the very beginning .. by that I mean, where did god come from, when was god's beginning, and when and how was god created?
  19. Why did this omnipotent and tireless god cunt need to rest .. ANSWER THE QUESTION!
  21. Why would god need to rest on the seventh day?
  22. Miles

    Noirs with tattoos

    I bet you have two "full sleeves" and another one that say's "Llangollen" when you see your boyfriend.
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