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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Jonathan Harold Esmond Vere Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere.
  2. Social media is a paradise for nutters to respond with thinking things through. Last week some dopey cunt posted about an 83 years old man killing himself because of police victimisation. The responses were all against the police. Actually he had driven along a street and bashed against several cars and had been reported. A few weeks later he received a letter through the post from the police telling him that he was to be prosecuted for careless driving and failing to stop. No mention that the police had actually tried to contact him in person but were unable to do so because he either was not at home when they called or had simply refused to answer the door. One of the people who posted said that the police should have left the poor old man alone .. he had no answer when I asked him, what if one of cars he had bumped into had been his car or one of his children. This is the same cunt who was moaning about BBC bias.
  3. The problem is that it might end up all too easy for people to make untrue allegations against others as seems to be happening with some of these "paedo hunters" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6129827/Paedophile-hunter-34-jailed-15-weeks-FALSELY-claiming-innocent-man-groomed-teenagers.html
  4. I see this regularly. A cunt yesterday moaning that the BBC were giving their "favourite politician" (Jeremy Corbyn) airtime. Someone else moaning about the "right wing bias" of the BBC. Yet another moaning that the BBC is the "voice of the remainers". There is simple answer .. the BBC is broadcasting exactly what the current government .. the current government is actually in favour of us remaining .in the EU and will do everything possible to keep us in the EU even if it is simply by default and the BBC is reflecting that. All the main political parties love migrants and again the BBC reflects this .
  5. You forget sadomasochism .. a lot of these cunts would enjoy it.
  6. I worked for a local council back in 2004 and it did cause a few people to panic .. harddrives accidentally formatted on office PCs and laptops going missing.
  7. Hasn't Javid said that there are 80,000 paedo cunts in the uk who are regularly going online? I also remember something circa 2004 where the users of paedos would all be getting a visit from the police.
  8. I bet that you were looking for big choppers.
  9. So old fuckers like me are going to be stopped by the police and have our driving licenses withdrawn just because we can't see six foot in front of us. What a cunt
  10. They all go inside and turn handles to make it work
  11. Apparently the lovely lass is engaged to a gentleman called Mick and is as happy as fuck.
  12. Did you see it through the hole in the wall?
  13. Did you watch The Terrific Adventures Of The Terrible Ten?
  14. You would never get into my club @Punkape because you are too common, too vulgar and much too fat.
  15. Miles

    Noirs with tattoos

    Are you Sean5302? The bullshiting and rasismsic is very similar . 🙄🤔
  16. A hint a racism from Sean here on digital spy " sean5302 Posts: 135 Forum Member 16/09/05 - 12:45 Horses for courses. If you want to watch good quality recent films and have an upbeat News service, backed by the worldwide resources of RTL and Sky, respectively, come to Ch5. If you want old news, old repeats or Sunday Church everyday, go to the BBC. You can see why it's "Auntie Beeb", can't you? Same old boring carp, delivered by stone-faced prim old has-beens. Look at "Breakfast" on BBC mornings and contrast with the likes of "5 News". One is chaired by a couple of false, plastic has-beens continually saying "good morning" to the same people, plus the spade actually reading the news. Then there's Ch5. Bright, punchy and alive."
  17. Now @sean5302 I have just read your comments re the TGV .. would you care to drive any TGV over any British Main line at 186mph save for HS1? Some of he original Eurostar units were used on the East Coast main line for a few years where they were restricted to 110MPH. The HST was first introduced in 1976 and save for new engines after 30 years of use they are basically as built and are just now after 42 years being removed from 125MPH service. So badly built were they that many of them are being refurbished for potentially another 20 years of 100MPH service in Scotland and the West of England. Yes I was trusted to drive trains prior to becoming partially deaf .. however this does not mean that I ever actually attained the drivers grade. Re engines cambelts are used rather than chain because they are a lighter and cheaper option than a chain that is up to doing the job (potentially a decent chain is far better than a cambelt). Having looked at recent Landrovers and Jags, L do not see the gaps in the panels that you mention nor am I aware of the "safety issue" that you imply .. I wonder that JLRs legal team would think of what you have said? Back to you "Colonel".
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