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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Useless scientists

    Its on part of the Dartmoor firing range as well
  2. Miles

    Useless scientists

    I want to climb Yes Tor .. can you work out a bus timetable to get me to Meldon and back from Torbay in a day and give me five hours for the climb?
  3. Be careful Phillipe Pétain was Wither's greatfather.
  4. Are you on Grindr Wither's?
  5. Widdenberry is the standard local way to pronounce it.
  6. Simon Dee is dead though.
  7. Isn't living in the north Yorkshire moors the same as being in the deepest part of the cooler?
  8. The daily Mail is at it too.
  9. I bet that you say "Wims low".
  10. Miles

    social decline

    Do you ever go to Jodrell Bank? That big dish must be nearly as big as the hole in your arse.
  11. What kind of "public services" do you offer?
  12. I am going to go all out to make friends with Tim.
  13. Miles

    social decline

    Any thoughts on this gentleman's attire and what his interest in the drain might be?
  14. Miles

    social decline

    If I had the money I would go for the Sony a9. I see that Canon have now got into the act but left off the 5 axis image stabilisation.
  15. Miles

    social decline

    "artful dishevelment”, that is very much a Snowy kind of thing.
  16. Miles

    social decline

    That raised heel effect is a little bit faggotry .. isn't this more the sort of thing that Wizz or Snowy would wear in real life?
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