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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Ooooh you only went to a "public" school .. mummy and daddy sent me to a private school. You COMMON OAF!
  2. Unfair .. to quote the scouser being grabbed by the security man at the local tesco "Leave me alone you cunt I'm just an honest thief".
  3. Mongolian .. whe exactly did you lose your mind?
  4. Panz .. what are you thoughts on "Irish" Americans?
  5. You're the one with something to put in the "holster".
  6. It appears that The Sunday Mail have found a photo of @Lord Punkape
  7. A lot if not most multi millionaires such as master Beckham do not use conventional car insurance. It is generally cheaper for them to self-idemnify using a bond as the backing for the self idemnity. As such the "insurance" costs do not vary.
  8. Do you watch United's home and away games and do you have a season ticket?
  9. Are you sure that he does not use methane instead?
  10. Those are his good points .. what about his bad points?
  11. I don't really like you Wither's. I hope that you realise that fact.
  12. What a horrid thing to say.
  13. I do remember a train driver walking into the messroom and saying that he had just fucked Gina Lollabrigda Followed by "you can fuck anyone when you have a wank".
  14. I've just had an injection in my left eye.. what do you think of that?
  15. This is not new information is it, and it is not going to change anytime soon and has no relevance.
  16. Panzer probably has very good reason to be frightened. On the surface the UK leaving EU appears bad for the Irish Republic. However for UK leaving the EU is most likely to be for the best in the longer term, and the vote was about the UK leaving the EU and not about the impact that would have on the Irish Republic. Panzer makes me think about my neighbour .. this afternoon I have to go to hospital to have an injection in one of my eyes (something that happens about every three months). My neighbour say's that nothing would make him have an injection in his eye if he was in my place, however he is not in my place, my choice is to lose the sight in my eye or suffer the injections and retain the sight in that eye. My thoughts are that were Panzer in my situation he would close to lose the sight in one of his eyes.
  17. "She" was never alive, just manipulated by strings.
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