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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The problem is that even if we sell to Europe we pay a premium on shipping costs because we do not have a proper soft land border with Europe .. everything we sell to the rest of Europe has to pass through a port of some kind.
  2. It did annoy me that there wasn't an 'Errrrr' option
  3. Panz what about moving to the UK .. somewhere like Lincolnshire .. you'd surely feel at home amongst the potato fields there.
  4. He's still alive and not "at peace".
  5. The worlds biggest trading bloc is not the EU .. the world's biggest trading bloc is the world.
  6. If ever a cunt wanted his teeth smashing with a brick it would be this slimy cynical cunt.. he should have his white poppies stuck firmly up his rectum.
  7. Its gone downhill since Dec's went feral.
  8. Fuck all this nonsense Panz. What are you thoughts on stretch limos?
  9. David Niven's sister was a lesbian, she lived to be 100 and her name was Grizel.
  10. I might not have your money Punker's but then bank of toyland money doesn't go far anyway.
  11. Miles


    JPEG Superfine or RAW .. what are your thoughts?
  12. No, you needed to replace your own 40" anal battering ram remember.
  13. I have been using a Sony phone for the last year and half and have not read or seen this bollox anywhere. Perhaps it something that they are saying to cover themselves in case some one get killed by an exploding battery. These type of warnings have been around for years. I have a neigbour who bought a Ford Ecoboost car because he was worried about hybrid car batteries exploding. His Ecoboost has just joined the list of Ford Ecoboosts that have caught fire.
  14. She was wearing thigh length boots apparently.
  15. They've just exhumed Trevor Howard and charged him with stalking.
  16. We spell it different in Devun. While you're at it, could you tell me where the "w" is in "blue anchor"?
  17. A bigger annoyance is that my blackberries charge would would give me at least two days of use .. since then I have had iPhones, Windoze phones and Androids that are on their last gasp half way through the day and of course everything uses five time more data to the same job it could do with 250 meg five years ago because of all these useless updates that they keep doing.
  18. Miles


    Watching the footie.
  19. They've just found Punker's dead .. as the policeman said .. "we've got a gonna here".
  20. What are your thoughts on the south island of New Zealand? .. I have a friend who originates from Brockville near Dunedin .. she reckons that even the sheep there get depressed and lonely.
  21. What happened to the geese?
  22. I like Frank but you are nothing .. I hope your chain snaps.
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