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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I don't think that you can mention spoons.
  2. You are "Wack The British Working Man" and I claim my 10 Bob note.
  3. Miles


    If care to read and comprehend about the subject that your nomination is about and and the charlatans that are the "Peace Pledge Union" you should be understand the connection.
  4. You are not very good at this Snowbum.
  5. Miles


    I like white poppies because you can paint them red.
  6. The police love this kind of legislation as it saves them the trouble of having to fight real crime.
  7. No. The police would be holding you down whilst the council sprayed you with jeyes fluid.
  8. Lurking in the proposals to make misogyny a hate crime is a similar proposal to make misandry a hate crime. What a cunt! Don't know what "misandry is? Google it! 😛
  9. Working with educationally sub normal simpletons and taking them out shopping and helping them in the day to day life does not bother me. What did annoy me were the highly educated and physically healthy 30 and 40 something cunts who would not make the effort to try to find a job when they were perfectly capable of working for a living but "could not do so" because they were suffering from regular "panic attacks" or PTSD because their granny died when they were at uni. The sad thing is that whilst the DWP will sanction and put genuinely disabled people on the streets they seem to let these perfectly capable cunts slip through the net.
  10. I do know one local one-legged cunt who does a similar performance a couple of times a year. He drives his adapted car to a cliff edge somewhere then phones the police. he usually gets sectioned for a few week, and then repeats the cycle a few months later. In some parts of the world these pretend suicides are overdosing on homopathic medication (which they of cause know is ineffective) and then phoning for help .. this of course is as costly for the emergency services as them having to respond to a real medical emergency as they cannot be sure that they have not taken something that is really dangerous.. As to whether this is happening in the UK I know not.
  11. What are your views on misandry?
  12. I wonder what @Witheredscrote looks like in real death?
  13. "He was suffering from a personality disorder at the time he committed the fraud.".
  14. I hope that you lose your ball in the rough.
  15. He prefers to stick his pointy hat up his back passage.
  16. Miles

    Stephen Fry

    I bet Panzer was there with a stick of dynamite.
  17. Miles

    Stephen Fry

    Has there been another royal wedding?
  18. Miles

    this morning

    Your mouth is fair bigger than the stairway to heaven and your brain is smaller than one of Puner's fictional golf balls. You are not really very good at this "humour" thing are you?
  19. Miles

    this morning

    The problem is that regardless of what this "god" is claimed to have created there must have been something there before him that could not have been "created" by him or any other thinking or reasoning soul or entity
  20. Miles

    this morning

    Yes .. those first three words spoil the plot. Ask any dedicated god botherer or goat herder to explain those three words and they get flustered.
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