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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    The New Royals

    You don't keep up to date with things Eric .. Nairobi was moved to Nigeria on Wednesday.
  2. https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/29/police-deny-bringing-down-leicester-owners-helicopter-with-a-drone-8087165/
  3. Miles

    The Irish KKK

  4. Poppies have roots .. you do not have roots.
  5. Yugoslavia was John "Baxter Basics" Major's bit of shit. .. you need to check the roots of your stories.
  6. Up the creek without a paddy?
  7. That's not an islamic currency
  8. reported for possible implication of chlorophilia .
  9. Downs Syndrome Norfolk .. you sure this isn't Dec's?
  10. You never hear posh cunts saying "eysis" like wot Lady Diana did.
  11. New currency for Eire from 2035
  12. I have never had any trouble passing "porridge currency" in Ingerland Panz.
  13. This is a brazilliant nomination Punker's!
  14. Miles

    Sajid Javid.

    I stand by what I posted.
  15. Miles

    Samantha Jones

    we think the OXO offers the better overall experience and is worth paying a premium for.
  16. Miles

    The Irish KKK

    Oil be dead and gone by then.
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