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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Nothing to do with that Eric .. given a choice between "fighting crime" behind a computer screen or in the real world .. they choose the cosy option. The other thing is perhaps we need to revert to the older policy of recruiting Chief Cuntstables from the forces rather than always from the police ranks as that might help encourage the recruitment of officers that are prepared to go on the mean streets.
  2. What is perplexing is that outside prison they can silence censor him and other similar cunts, yet in prison they are allowed to poison the minds of other prisoners without limit. If prison i to serve a function with these cunts its needs to be mind reprogramming from day one .. no access their religion, any sign of them attempting to pray or worship their sky fairy should mean them being straitjacked and gagged and no release or hope of release until they have shown that they have been cleansed of religious beliefs for at least five years and straight back into chokey for another five years at the first sign of them displaying any such nonsense.
  3. Good .. @Panzerknacker will go in my place .. the 24 Midsomer Murders will take his mind off Brexit and he can also run keep fit classes.
  4. The dopey cunt can't even get the what the European Movement is right, even if we have full Brexit we are not leaving the European Movement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Movement_International
  5. https://sodemaction.co.uk/biography/ SODEM was born. The Day of Action quickly transformed into the “Daily Parliament Protest” that we see today. Being outside Parliament means we can oppose Brexit and show support to the MPs and Lords fighting on our behalf. It sends a clear message both to the public and the politicians that Brexit is not the will of the people and it is OK to say so. Steve is outside Parliament from 11am – 6pm every day that MPs are in session. Anyone is welcome to join him. And every day they do. Come and make your voice heard. Flags available! In Steve’s words: ‘It’s not a done deal.’
  6. I found it last Friday when I had to use a suposiTORY
  7. Miles

    'Sir' Lenny Henry

    Come back the fucking pair of you and bring Bub's and Billiam with you.
  8. Miles

    Black Friday

  9. Miles

    Black Friday

    How many multies do you have Stubby?
  10. In many years on the railway I do not ever recollect anyone saying "I want to go to Port Talbot".
  11. What little I know about Port Talbot suggests it is very likely that coin traders are rare in Port Talbot.
  12. I have checked .. you aren't on the membership list .. its like @Lord Punkape's "golf club", you wouldn't be allowed to join.
  13. So why haven't you joined that club?
  14. And like so many of them on both sides you have absolutely no idea what the fuck the EU actually is.
  15. Hellooo therrr, I'm Fyfe Robertson.
  16. Miles

    Salmond Sex Scandal

    Some of the other article are more interesting. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7381974/ex-scottish-first-minister-alex-salmond-faces-more-sex-pest-claims-and-one-dates-back-five-years/
  17. Do you have ghettos of displaced cockneys in Scotland who wander around telling everyone that they come from 'ackney and how much better things are in Lundun but won't fuck off back there?
  18. So the head teacher has got the school to train his/her dog at a time when th school finances are up the chute. If it was a couple of pit bulls to set on the little angels that would be reasonable but this one is trained to listen to childrens stories because its "not judgmental"! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-46263690
  19. Panzer they're coming for you! https://www.rte.ie/news/dublin/2018/1119/1011827-dublin-whales/
  20. You're trying catch me hook line and sinker.
  21. @Lord Punkape likes playing with his rod and tugging at the hook.
  22. Regardless of what you are trying to do here beans are an healthy part of a persons diet you illiterate and chronically obese buffoon.
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