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Everything posted by Miles

  1. But you could piss through it and wash his ears out.
  2. This is what the roundabout is named after
  3. Is this a green woodpecker Tim?
  4. Also known with a single "N" idiot.
  5. Have you ever visited the Nicobar Islands?
  6. Any thoughts about the Pen Inn Roundabout?
  7. That's the bay platform where the semi-fast to Euston starts from. What were you doing there in a wheelchair Tim? No good looking for me there. I am about 140 miles from Glawster in the opposite direction .. you been watching the IEPs?
  8. Miles

    John Allen Chau

    I'm phtographing a wedding next week Squeaker .. do you fancy helping out? .. I'll give you a fiver.
  9. How much do you pay your scriptwriter?
  10. Miles

    John Allen Chau

    Thank you Judge .. are you platform ending again at Paddington tomorrow?
  11. Boring, fixated twat .. why can't you post something that is amusing?
  12. "My name is John. I love you and Jesus loves you ... Here is some fish!" Stupid cunt.
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