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Everything posted by Miles

  1. That box set that was at the age concern shop for £1.99?
  2. Miles


    What will happen after the 25th referendum and they still haven't got the right result?
  3. Come on Stubby we need quality like your paper on the Scrub Jay .. How about one on the Norfolk Broads Tit-pecker?
  4. Couldn't you publish another "research paper"?
  5. I don't know what is going on Frank .. it now looks like scotty and whiz are one and the same.
  6. Miles


    You were too fast off the mark with this one scotty whiz. Are you logged in on a different browser for each account?
  7. Miles


    I am with you on this one itchy balls .. there are more arabs in London than anywhere in the middle east.
  8. Miles


    Be careful KK apparently you are an iteration of me.
  9. Miles


    There is only one "me" but we do have proof that at one stage you were using at least two accounts at the same time.
  10. I think that he means the £200 winter fuel allowance that old fogies get.
  11. No, I think this one is a lecturer at one of the London unis.
  12. "In her essay, Matić acknowledged Thompson’s Fijian heritage but argued that his fair skin gives him white privilege. “In short, Thompson is a white-passing male, making work and profiting off the violence and suffering of black and marginalized people,” she wrote. “Thompson’s work does not feel like a sensitive awareness-raising project, but a process of extraction, sensationalism and commodification.” What's the name of the white cow of Iranian extraction who claims to be black and said that "white people could not be victims of discrimination?
  13. I have just had an email for say that I have won £9million on the Rwandan nation lottery .. just need to send them my bank details and security numbers and the money will be paid in by next week.
  14. So you are a Guardian reader. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/dec/04/iphone-film-maker-charlotte-prodger-wins-2018-turner-prize
  15. Miles


    You forgot to add "muslim" to "black and queer" .. Eric and Mongo might pull you up on it later.
  16. Miles


    Fuck Dr Johnson and fuck James Boswell.
  17. Miles


    Are you a "blackfish"?
  18. I have read up and I have seen what their "powers" are .. actually they are nothing more than a discussion forum.
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