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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Its a blinking crap nomination.
  2. It is probably even more prevalent North of Adrian's Wall. Another variation are CICs that are set up to act as places where middle aged people who have never had a job or properly functioned on society can seek help and gather together to chat over a cup if coffee. I am a facilitator at one such place and on one Saturday a month I open the place up for three hours. What is interesting is that very few of the "clients" are from working class backgrounds and their parents are usual retired officers from various councils or state funded bodies.
  3. Not sure .. it might have been Rattys house.
  4. Like so many here you have missed out on what Panzies line of work actually is .. The cunt is a "lifestyle advisor", he probably does quite nicely out of it. However he lives in his own world that of extracting a living from cunts who have got more money than sense, cunts who have high paid jobs that exist because of the EU gravy train. Can you imagine what it will be like for him when Ireland goes back to being a third world country as it will surely become once all though nice eastern allah fearing migrants have taken over. What are the bets that if the UK leaves the EU Panzy will soon be on a Ryan Air flight to Old Blighty?
  5. Spanish pension fund .. their state pension is about three times the level of the UK state pension (even higher than the German state pension) .. how on earth can they afford that?
  6. And it turns out that @Cuntybaws lives in a council house.
  7. So that means that you were born sometime in the early 1920s or before .. have you had your telegram from the queen yet?
  8. Frank is only trying to be friendly Eric.
  9. Miles


  10. But you are a fake catholic and fake aristocrat.
  11. Devon needs funding for re-opening the old LSWR railway route via Okehampton and Tavistock. It always end up being stymied by "EU rules on" funding .. oddly the same does not apply for the very expensive cross rail projects in London. It is also one of the reasons given for why there are no funds for electrification of the North Wales line from Crewe to Holyhead and for Cardiff to Swansea. Whilst this reason is bollocks leaving the EU will mean that the "EU funding rules" will longer be an excuse for denying such funding. It will of course also mean that project that are actually being funded by the UK will no longer have to go through the EU mill .. ironically many (if not all ) EU funded projects in the UK are actually using money that came from the EU and were simply processed via the EU bodies and then permitted with the EU taking credit for something that was actually funded by the UK itself and did not use funds that came from anywhere else in the EU.
  12. Your thoughts on this @Lord Punkape? Two nuns in California allegedly stole more than $500,000 from the school they had been at for years, which they spent in casinos and on vacations. Bank records show Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Lang had been embezzling funds from St. James Catholic School in Torrance for at least a decade, the Press-Telegram reported. https://www.newsweek.com/nuns-gambling-casinos-margaret-kreuper-redondo-torrence-1250634
  13. The fake colonel was a Wykemist .. your name is not "Juniper" by any chance?
  14. A little known fact is that poor Scotty has got no arms or legs and uses a stick mounted on his forehead to type out these bitter posts.
  15. All likes are to be awarded to my JudgeTwi account.
  16. Sorry but I don't do "popularity".
  17. Other than dementia I very much doubt that there is anything "advanced" about withers .. "retarded" is a more suitable word.
  18. Yes .. I have also heard rhat he is writing a book .. MANKY'S BICYCLE
  19. The impression I have of most of the young people that I know is that even where they are lucky enough to have one of the minimum wage jobs they detest working with these minimum wage euro cunts, and regardless of whether they are left or right wing almost all of them support brexit and all totally pissed off with middle aged, middle class lovies claiming to speak for them the other impression I am getting is that if the middle class remainer cunts get their way there is going to be a backlash big time from these youngsters.
  20. We do also need Manky back .. he's like a northern version of Scotty but also with arms and legs and a bicycle.
  21. That alone would justify his return.
  22. Miles


    At least the EU has now said that we can cancel BREXIT .. I hope they do as it should shut up the crybaby remoaner cunts.
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