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Everything posted by Miles

  1. DPD are now delivering direct to trains in Kernow https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cornwall-46557886
  2. That part doesn't bother me. What bother me is when £150,000 is quoted at the cost to society of a 40 year old fucker who has never had a job or done anything useful save for when he took the.overdose and died. The actual cost is for an autopsy and inquest to say what was obvious in the first place, rather than saying that be was a "useless smack head, now bury or cremate him". The same goes for these cunts who comic suicide by jumping in front of a train .. no it is not a fucking crime scene and you don't need to close the line for four hours to carry out a forensic investigation.
  3. He's also blind (to reason).
  4. hat isn't possible .. the dopey cunt's deaf and can't read.
  5. I bet that you drink by the yard and have a 12 inch rather than 30 centimetre chopper.
  6. Note that he is using imperial rather than EU (metric) measurements.
  7. Have you ever read STRAWBERRY ROAN by A.G. Street? It is a nice little story about a calf from when she was born until she had her first calf and it was taken away for slaughter.
  8. Yes he does look like Nigel and probably has a similar but pro EU mindset.
  9. I am not going to provide a link to this story. It is a case of a 23 years old barman who was working in the Scilly Isles, got rather drunk and then having a fatal accident on his way home. Rather than the family accepting that his death had been a tragic accident waiting to happen the family have launched an action against the Devon & Cornwall Police for not treating it like a murder investigation. His mother seems to have got it into her head that nobody gives a damn rather accepting that the police probably did their best in dealing with what to them was simply a rather too common incident caused by the her adult son getting drunk. So far she has spent £73k pressing for a full investigation and the police have probably spent even more money (that could pay for more officers on the beat) in response to he complaint. We have got to the stage now where simple accidents are generating full scale and costly criminal investigation into things that need no such efforts and that ironically is making it too expensive to simple have police officers on the ground to prevent drunken and doped up snowflakes having accidents in the first place.
  10. At least the one with red banner recognises that it might be worth it.
  11. Is Stanley your civil partner?
  12. Also a danger that their bodies might be dumped late at night somewhere on the Great Orme.
  13. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    I have no sympathy with you now please LEAVE.
  14. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    Fuck off back to the brexit noms you boring cunt.
  15. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    I had a Dolomite Sprint which blew its head gasket every couple of months.
  16. Miles


    St Theresa has done exactly what the powers that be wanted her to do. She has fucked up any chance of us leaving the EU. Brexit is dead in the water. She is likely to be toppled by the no confidence vote which nicely extracts her from the mire and will be the start of a lucrative after dinner speaker career where regardless of what happens she can say "I told you so". David Cameron who was rash enough to put it to the vote will always be the "forgotten man" (just like Gordon Brown) .. meanwhile the Panzers of this world will sit on the sides cackling like a chicken waiting to have its throat cut halal style.
  17. Miles

    The Ford Capri

    The final ones actually had decent sized engines in them that turned them into quite speedy motors but by that time their street cred had been destroyed by the daft cunts customising their feeble 1300 and 1600 versions. Of Dennis Waterman was by that time a middle aged cunt.
  18. One of the regular "clients" at the CIC was actually grassed up and sanctioned for this. I suspect that a lot of "professional" protesters could also be taken out by the same means .. the real problem is that the DWP seems to seek the "easy" methods to sanction truly vulnerable people rather than getting out on the streets and finding out who beggers and other assorted shysters are and whether or not they are on JSA and other benefits. In a lot of cases there are monied people behind these protests and protesters who should be paying a wage to their "professional" protesters and of course also paying tax and NHS contributions etc.
  19. Miles


    I have been reading of yet another former soldier killing himself because of PTSD and having seen "too much" death much, anguish and blame is being placed on the system and the NHS. During the last century we had two world wars when where servicemen faced death on a daily basis for several years after which they came home with no support and in the case of the two world wars no NHS yet they seldom complained and mostly returned seemlessly back into civilian life. Later we had 25 years of "the troubles" in Northern Island and once again the servicemen rejoined civilian life. Now we have generation tormented by PTSD, servicemen who have only served a short time and of course middle aged cunts with PTSD because their 83 years old grandfather has popped his clogs due to old age. The real problem I think is not the support after the event but the cunts in the early part of the life of these snowflakes not getting them to comprehend that people do actually die at some point and that death. So bad it got that people are bleating how much they miss them ten year after their Standard poodle or burmese cat died having lived a normal lifespan.
  20. I have just put a Ford Capri nom. up for his benefit.
  21. The second Essex boys motor. A real sheep in wolfs clothing. Early ones were often powered by a 1300cc engine and could be slaughtered easily by a Triumph 1300GT. Capris were only ever owned by tosspots and serial wankers. Even the 1600cc versions could be seen of by a Triumph Dolomite 1500.
  22. I also remember Oswald Moseley being interviewed and making a pro "remain" speech and thinking where the fuck will that end?
  23. I remember it well .. it was project fear big time .. also enormous peer pressure. They even put a song in the hit parade "You have got to be in to get on".
  24. You got any thoughts on "Bird's Custard"? That's been around for a long time.
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