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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    They are pretty much the same TBH with similar long term prospects.
  2. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    Have they moved the 29th February to April?
  3. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    Even Billy doesn't like @wolfie.
  4. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    I know an old cunt who is 78 he has got two grown up children with him from a mail order bride he bought 30 years ago .. she fucked off to live with another old cunt from a few miles away. He keeps posting stuff on Arsebook about how wonderful the Donald is and about Biden being a dopey old cunt (just like him) and generally supports and cause that will fuck things up for the rest of us .. Like Silly Billy he does not think that Covid exists although strangely he has had the vaccinations each he has had an invitation.
  5. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    @Wolfie can't possibly have read what I posted because he has blocked me. lol, loi, snicker.
  6. Miles

    Sleepy Joe Biden

    I wonder why nobody talks about dopey old Donald just a few years younger than Sleepy Joe and much further into mental decline that stared at birth. Although I am 71 I would ban anyone over 65 from standing as leader of a country. All these old cunts should be fucked off.
  7. He suffers from L.T.S. .. Long Term Sulkiness.
  8. I have just been reading about these poor folk in Dublin .. would it not be kinder to put them all on an aeroplane and take them to somewhere warmer such as Rwanda? Perhaps they would also feel less tempted to go stabbing etc. https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0302/1435590-ipa-weather/
  9. Miles

    Iris Apfel

    She was losing her hair
  10. How did the big punch-up end?
  11. It was a polar bear .. he would never have allowed anything brown to touch him'
  12. Miles

    Iris Apfel

    Those glasses were some kind of extension to her ears.
  13. What I liked about @Decimus is that his malice was genuine .. a totally honest swine lost.
  14. I do wonder how many of the protesters wipe the klingons from their arses after having a shit.
  15. TBH Sunak is right on this one .. the moment Galloway croaked "THIS FOR GAZA!". The election result should been declared void .. the man is a fucked up demented wastrel, If he is so passionate about Gaza he should fuck off there.
  16. Arsebook is afflicted with the same thing "Based on your recent like".. usually absolutely fuck all to do with any likes you have done.
  17. Miles

    Cut price funerals

    @Ape™️ I can say hand on heart that you have absolutely never ever disappointed me
  18. Miles

    George Galloway.

    It looks like he's pissed all over them in Rochdale.
  19. Miles

    Cut price funerals

    Are you flying this weekend?
  20. Shouldn't you have put the word fat between great and fucking?
  21. I have bought a little battery powered dog .. its a toy poodle.
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