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Everything posted by Miles

  1. You going to have your fingers on the irons over Christmas Gerald?
  2. Miles

    Lord of the Cunts

    Far better to be one of Mrs R's tits than to be your big stupid mouth 🤣
  3. Have you ever been touched by Jesus?
  4. Miles


    Have you got a hacking cough or are you trapped in a forest somewhere with little hope of finding your way out?
  5. If he was bubble rather than buble we would had least be able to stick a pin in the cunt/
  6. Miles


    Frank is staying at my place over Christmas.
  7. Miles


    Great Yarmouth or Cromer?
  8. Miles


    I thought that you were in Barbados or Jamaica.
  9. Miles

    Men In Leggings

    See my reply to Cambs.
  10. Miles

    Men In Leggings

    Stubby's light is dull and only shines "brightly" in very dark places.
  11. Miles

    Men In Leggings

    There is something of the night about you Stubby.
  12. Miles

    Men In Leggings

    There is something @sean5302 about you 🤔
  13. Miles


    I thought that these cunts were shutting up shop because of Brexit.
  14. Back in the early 1990s we had an afternoon train from Euston to Crewe which used old coaching stock with compartments. I was checking the tickets and came to a compartment where the blinds were pulled down and the doors wedged shut. With some effort I managed to force the door open and the sight that greeted me was that of two naked gentlemen working in what in railway terms would be termed "multiple".
  15. Miles


    I have never seen the "XD" thing used by anyone over the age of 25 .. as said thinking someone confined to one place .. possibly older but with a young carer.
  16. Miles


    Interestingly Channel Four news has shown very good speeches by prominent leavers including one from the Beast of Bolsover and another very good and calm performance by Nigel Farage who put an Italian EU commissioner in his place for making inaccurate claims regarding "benefits" of the EU. What seems not to be publisised is the fact that a large proportion of the young voters .. ie the 18 to 25 year olds are taking an anti-EU stance.
  17. Miles


    Someone very tech savvy with a lot of time on their hands, a chip on their shoulder and probably severely mobility impaired or for some reason rarely leave their abode (agoraphobic?).
  18. We also have this matter of the privately run prisons.
  19. Miles


    Better to probe more deeply .. especially at cunts who keep pointing fingers.
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