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Everything posted by Miles

  1. She's got quite big eyes and doesn't wear glasses so she she should be able to have a good look.
  2. I don't thank that she will go to prison .. she has got a brother called Festus. That must be a mitigating factor.
  3. Miles

    These Cunts

    @Decimus is on the right in this photo
  4. Maccy D's are too expensive and I might bump into a dopey cunt like you.
  5. Miles

    48 Hours Of Cunts

    I admire Albert Speer .. he walked around the world without leaving Spandau.
  6. The point should go between his eyes
  7. Miles

    48 Hours Of Cunts

    It was a 1,000 ton nazi tank.
  8. Miles

    48 Hours Of Cunts

    What are your thoughts about the Ratte Tank?
  9. One of Claudia's images entitled "Infiltration". @Fender777 I reckon that you could sort this lot out in less than five seconds with your Clawdia Hammer.
  10. Christmas candle holders .. on sale in the Isle of Man apparently .. your thoughts @Earl of Punkape?
  11. Miles

    Lord of the Cunts

    I was asking you Stubby .. apparently a contentious issue with some people, I was seeking a specialists opinion.
  12. Miles

    Lord of the Cunts

    Tim, what are your thoughts on bee keeping and its potential effect on the wild bee population?
  13. What the fuck is a "works unimog", is it some kind one-legged cat?
  14. My joints are so supple that I can be carried in a bucket.
  15. You have no reason to worry as you do not have a life.
  16. But we do have a good judge as a member of the forum.
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