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Everything posted by Miles

  1. You need to read Decs response here in the context of this
  2. Miles

    Bob Monkhouse

    Did you use the "I told you that I would say something funny but you're not laughing now," Version?
  3. Miles

    Bob Monkhouse

    My father knew him and his father before him and I met him a couple of times. He was actually a decent sort.
  4. Miles

    48 Hours Of Cunts

    Are you Bilal Zafar?
  5. I have been told that he has got Prince Philip's old car.
  6. Miles

    Bob Monkhouse

    Is it safe to be using the word "gag" in any conversation with Neil?
  7. I thought that he was submerged in the harbour? 😉
  8. You are not the one to do any moralising Decs. His parents made choices and those choices meant that he was doomed almost from the start, very little to do with the colour of his skin but absolutely everything do do with the culture that his parents allowed him to be involved in.
  9. A Trapper kid and Little Driller too.
  10. Doesn't it bring a tear to your eye @Eric Cuntman to think that this young lad is up there with the angels looking down upon us?
  11. " So the police confirm Jaden Moody was riding a stolen moped, was excluded from school, was involved in drug dealing (self confessed). So it probably was a gang-related murder.So the bleeding heart LDGs who jumped in saying he was just an innocent paragon of virtue were wrong . . . yet again. He made choices.So when is it going to occur to you that thinking, lovely rosey-hue thoughts doesn’t necessarily reflect reality? It’s called denial.A tragedy? Undeniably to all that loved and cared for him . . . but talk to the moped’s owner and ask them how they feel . . .".
  12. No mention of Phil's big win on the lottery .. it was a rollover .. I'll get me walking frame.
  13. I was talking to Stubby (who is a scientist) so mind your own fucking business.
  14. I've just seen a bumblebee, what do you think of that?
  15. I've just seen a bumblebee, what do you think of that?
  16. I've just seen a bumblebee, what do you think of that?
  17. I use Linux Mint 18 as my operating system. If I go outside I might bump into you and harm you. I don't keep poultry or birds so I therefore do not have a cock and in any event I do not beleive sic in keeping birds or other animals captive. Why don't you take a walk across Strumpshaw Fen?
  18. You have not actually thought this through have you? A lot of people here no longer like you and the hard fact is that if they saw you standing alone on the ice they would break the ice beneath you whereas if you were standing next to Gemma on the ice they might well spare you so as to save Gemma herself from drowning.
  19. This is irrelevant and none of your business.
  20. Miles


    "No man is imflamable .. Leonard Turnock, former mayor of Crewe & Nantwich
  21. Miles


    From the 6th May until the 3rd of June this year devout Muslims throughout the world will fast from sunrise until sunset because some dopey did the same in a place where at that time of the year the period between sunrise and sunset was about 13 and a half hours. Now fasting for up to 14 hours is not a bad thing the problem is that many devout Muslims will be in places where the period between sunrise and sunset is up twenty hours or. As a result many will become ill with children and the elderly being especially vulnerable. This all adds up to the devout part of that religion being incompatible with a large area of the world and it being in their best interests for them to fuck off back to a part of the world where they practice their religion without causing their own people to suffer or putting other cunts who do not believe in the sky fairy at risk.
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