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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Dion Dublin

    Welcome to the Corner are you gay?
  2. Welcome Lord Big Phone are you an Iron?
  3. I am drifting slowly but surely towards the remain camp wheeze .. It will be bloodbath as @Fender777 has lent me his collection of claw hammers and machetes.
  4. Be wary of any free stuff Judge, you need to pay if you want quality.
  5. How would you know Ding, you don't have any.
  6. It is best not to allow your imagination run run away with things.
  7. I am not sure that I like you Liocarcinus vernalis.
  8. It turns out that he invented the Ball Barrow .. that's enough for me I am switching to being pro remain.
  9. I might be worth your while to ask Baws if he is an iron and then retire to a safe place.
  10. I did mention this yesterday on the Brexit Meltdown nom Posted yesterday at 17:08 So the traitorous dog James Dyson has just pulled the rug from under Brexit.
  11. They don't do them like that any more.
  12. They actually date from 1987 and were originally 35 two coach trains used in the West of England and on the Marches Line .. they were fucked up in the early 1990s by being converted to 70 single coach trainlets. You are actually getting new Swiss designed "Flirt Trains" trains in Norfuck over the next couple of years. Most of these little "darlings" are going off lease but actually migrating elsewhere. I expect that they will be still around in 20 years time. "White Knuckles Brian" and "Happy Tom" (R.I.P.) of Crewe used to get 85mph out of them.
  13. £47k to drive one of these @Decimus .. why work for a living?
  14. Get on board Decs .. "ALL TICKETS & PASSES PLEASE!". £47k as a driver!!
  15. Here is the job for you Decs https://apply.abellio.com/vacancies/4571/trainee_senior_conductor_crewe/?d=5
  16. Miles

    BBC Icons

    This isn't cricket.
  17. Miles

    Moon Gazers

    Zoonie and Robert The Robot .. "ON OUR WAY HOME!"
  18. Miles

    BBC Icons

    Fatima Whitbread
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