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Everything posted by Miles

  1. "The effects of my accident still interrupt my daily life, and, aside from the severe physical injuries at the start, the hardest part of the recovery process has been the psychological element, dealing with and processing the whole accident and the aftermath of what happened."
  2. Miles

    Not Proven

    Apparently the Morags and other jockesses do not like this verdict option as they think that it is a cop out for juries in rape cases. I cannot say that I disagree as it seems to be neither here nor there. neither fish nor fowl. A bit of a cuntnumdrum.
  3. I used to like the Hastings DEMUs.
  4. Is his name Peer Gynt?
  5. There was something else that worked in our favour an extensive railway powered by indigenous fuel (coal) and electricity generated from coal along with gas produced from coal. It all made us less vulnerable than is often made out.
  6. Fine .. I will talk to you later.
  7. They did not need a plan .. German planning was based on a war that would have started several years later. The German navy never properly recovered from the damage inflicted on it during the Battles of Narvik. The reality of the nazi industrial machine was that it relied on the availability of a diminishing slave labour force rather than mobilising the women into the factories
  8. The queen has made a plea for Britons to find "common ground" .. ain't that what Phil did last week when out driving.
  9. No exodus, just that they have had fibre broadband installed.
  10. Miles

    Un Clever Cunt

    Were you by any chance a "colonel" at one point and did you break an afghan terrorist's neck with your bare hands and hear the "snick" as the bones snapped?
  11. Let us recap. David Cameron told Donald Tusk that there would be no referendum because the conservatives would not win a majority at the 2015 general election and the coalition with the LibDems would continue. Against the supposed odds he wins the election and then has to hold the referendum and loses. He then bottles out and resigns. May holds another election in 2017 and fails to win a majority and enters into a pact with the loonies from Ulster. In the meantime the Brexit clock is ticking and it is now 11PM and we ain't got a plan. The hard truth is that we have now had almost nine years of a government without a plan. Call Blair and co what you like but at least they had a fucking plan!
  12. Miles

    Dion Dublin

    De Dion Bouton
  13. Miles

    Dion Dublin

    Why is your pen moist .. what have you dipped it in?
  14. Alex Salmond listens to country & western music .. clearly he has no pride or principles .. hang him now!
  15. Miles

    Salmond Sex Scandal

    Are you a jock-strap?
  16. Miles

    Un Clever Cunt

    My Pissy, Dodsey and Fours detector is not sounding.
  17. Miles

    Un Clever Cunt

    Mass escape from Broadmoor.
  18. Quality comment Judge.
  19. Miles

    Joe Wicks

    It matters not where you go you will see a book with this smug vegan cunt's face on it. The cunt needs to make himself a nice poison ivy steak and gulp it down and set fire 🔥 to himself to make sure it kills him. I hate him with every ounce of my being.
  20. I can see a lot of positives in this.
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