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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Nihal Arthanayake

    The cunt's a dog lover fuck him.
  2. Vicky Pryce is currently teasing fellow ex con Denis McShane.
  3. Upgraded to first black woman unjustly gaoled to become prime minister.
  4. But there are some importance differences .. he is white and his ex wife is a Greek.
  5. Miles

    Juan Guaidó

    Reported for suggestions of leaderboard manipulation @Mrs Roops
  6. Just a quick question Nigel .. have you ever thought of going "godless"?
  7. The EU is not actually a nation as yet. It is simply a trade organisation trying to flex political muscle, that Brussels desires this sovereign state owned broadcaster to have a base within a EU member country suggests that sovereign state owned broadcaster of a soon to be "3rd nation" has something that other sovereign state owned broadcasters that will remain within the EU lack.
  8. Its time to bring back National service and flame thrower justice. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2017/feb/12/beauty-boys-mens-makeup-cosmetics-instagram
  9. What about this James Charles cunt?
  10. I am quite happy about Foxes as long as they are not mangy.
  11. It would not be so bad if the BBC were to report the real situation across the EU with honesty. Pretty well much of what we are seeing here in the UK .. over stressed health and social services, unemployment, homeless people on the streets, is occuring throughout The original EU contries. France, Germany, Belgium, Holland etc. The "Yellow Jacket" protests are much more widespread and not just in France and the protest are not just about the cost of fuel but are about the situation in general. A large percentage of people are also fed up with uncontrolled immigration (especially immigration from Islamic countries and Central Africa), a larger proportion than the media would have us believe are fed up with what the EU has become. Also contrary to what the media would have us believe most other EU countries are far more racist and have far more hard right nutcases than the UK does.
  12. This is worth a read by EU apologists https://www.dw.com/en/homeless-in-germany-given-the-boot/a-17729421
  13. Miles

    Juan Guaidó

    No .. Judge was.
  14. Miles

    Juan Guaidó

    Fuck me Judge I thought you had more brains than that .. are you one of Scotty's multis?
  15. Eric this thing you have got going with KB is going to lead to tears.
  16. Miles

    Amber Alert

    Who the fuck is this pessimistic cow who keeps issuing bad weather warnings?
  17. Miles

    Will Young

    Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end.
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