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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I truly dread to think what you work at Punkers,
  2. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    People can think what they want. I have no idea how we would control that. However the very nature of the society we live in tries to control what we do. The type of society you seem to believe is actually anarchy.
  3. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Can you define what is "Western"? There are times when tolerance needs to protected by apparently intolerant action. If extreme religious beliefs that endanger others is the cause then we need to treat it like a disease just as a seriously obese prisoner might have food intake limited.
  4. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She left the UK to join a proscribed terrorist organisation and has in effect admitted to aiding and abetting that organisation .. there a whole range of offences that she can be charged with if actually returns to the UK. He case is also now high profile which makes prosecution even more likely should she return to the UK.
  5. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    If you care to read the various reports she is actually up the creek without a paddle.
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    What you think is up to you.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    In theory I agree but sometimes we need to try to remove the poison.
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You need to worry more about the sobby christian right who will be weeping for this "poor innocent teenager" and her unborn child.
  9. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You do need to read rather than simply foam at the mouth, if she is allowed to return to this country she will face a lengthy investigation and will also face very serious criminal charges. As she has been stupid enough talk to the times and make the comment about the severed heads and not regretting her actions she has shot herself in the foot. She has admitted that she was stupid 15 year old girl when she went out to join the false state but from what she has said despite losing two children she remains an equally stupid 19 year old. As to her aspiration to raise her unborn child quietly back in the UK were she to return the child would quickly be taken off her.
  10. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    We should show compassion but one thing we should do is to deny them their religious faith and any "rights" attached to that faith.
  11. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    That a teenaged girl was not fazed by seeing a severed head in a bin tell us all we need to know, and that despite the fact that she has lost two children yet still does not regret fleeing to a cesspit of evil means that she has been dehumanised so perhaps the best thing would be for her to be dealt with in the same was as a dangerous and incurable animal.
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    There are deeper issues of our education system and media to deal with .. an education system and significant parts of the media that focuses on the negatives of our own history and makes all too may people hate being or ashamed of being British (English especially).
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    You cannot condemn her .. she is already condemned regardless of what anyone says.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Lots of 15 and 16 year olds make big mistakes, the reality is that the vegan is right in that they were just (silly school)girls groomed into a death cult. I don't see an answer and there is no way that she can be allowed back into this country, but that is nothing to celebrate.
  15. Miles

    Joe Root

    Do you eat pussie?
  16. Miles

    Findlay Trigwell

    Findlay Trigwell and his double entendres
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