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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    So you don't like Ms Begum then?
  2. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    What are you thoughts @Panzerknacker?
  3. So you wired your own genitals to the mains instead.
  4. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I know that everyone here is perfect in every way but I will ask if anyone has ever done something at 15 years of age and although four years later realising that it was a mistake have still not regretted doing it by the time you were 19 years of age? Also many years later have you not said to yourself I would not do that now, but still do not regret doing what you did?
  5. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Murder is wrong Judge .. I could not go with that .. why not an accident instead?
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I would say that the deradicalisation process should be compulsory.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The Nazis carried out such tests in Germany in the 1930s.
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Be careful about posting these selfies Baws.
  9. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    This is the map of the civilised world Eric .. anywhere outside that map is nothing.
  10. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Being of Cheshire (simply born in Stoke) my considered view is that anyone from the South of Gorsty Hill or Broxton is probably a wog, and to also be wary of anyone from North of Warrington.
  11. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    The "caucasian" concept is one of racial purity and being racially "pure" something that we true Brits are not as anyone who cares to study are history will comprehend, our identity comes from our land, our islands and our willingness to defend it against hostile incomers at all costs.
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Another issue for the ISIS supporters is that by trying to form a new country out of parts of the sovereign territory of Syria & Iraq they have undermined indeed destroyed any arguments that the might have against the existence of the State of Israel.
  13. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She also say's that she is no longer the silly 15 years old schoolgirl that she was when she went to to the illegal self declared ISIS state but she remains unrepentant about what she did and why.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Without some Nazi style racial test it would be impossible to come to any form of conclusion, quite a high percentage of the UK population will have some Asian or African input and has said before it is likely that those with say a 25% or less none European input will class themselves as white British/English etc. This mix is nothing new .. somewhere I have the reprint of a journal of a journey through England & Wales written circa 1852 by George Webb Medley, George Webb Medley although considered by himself and others as English was in fact of 25% African decent. He endowed Oxford University with The George Webb Medley Scholarship.
  15. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    At least you weren't trapped inside one of Saturn's rings.
  16. Miles

    John Stalker

    I understand that she will be advertising Persian rugs Judge.
  17. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    We really do not know. We fill out a census form every 10 years and click certain boxes some of which ask us to show what ethnic group we consider that we belong to. There is nothing that forces you to actually tell the literal truth and it is likely that many people that many people would consider to be "of colour" actually consider themselves to be British and white or because some single remote ancestor was Irish will tick the "irish box". I have a black neighbour who thinks that he is probably of totally African ethnic decent but who says that he always ticks the British and and English boxes because he considers himself to be English and British.
  18. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Has ding stolen your account Scotty?
  19. There is some very bad publicity for ex public schoolboys at Exeter
  20. Miles

    John Stalker

    I see that he has just died. He was victim of a cunts trick whilst he was Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester. An honourable man who deservingly rose through the ranks but had the misfortune to be subordinate to God's Policeman James Anderton. Stalker did write a book about the circumstances around his removal .. a very boring book but all the same very enlightening about Alderton's reign and the dirty tricks played during the troubles in Northern Ireland.
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