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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Highly intelligent people are often very naive, also much of the time having an excellent memory is mistaken for intelligence. The real issue is that her reasoning processes seem to be defective. I am not about bringing her back and allowing her to slip into a quiet life but about her coming back to explain her reasoning and to try to justify her actions and attitude.
  2. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Such was the hue and cry that even I remember it .. I also remember a senior police officer at the time saying that they were victims rather than offenders and that should they be located at some they should be brought back to the UK.
  3. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Valid to a point but this is at best a naive and rather simple minded teenager.
  4. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I like your style and the cut of your jib on this. Using this principle both @Decimus and @Last Cunt Standing can have their citizenship revoked and fucked off to Ireland pronto.
  5. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    This is a prime reason to bring her home and to also visibly challenge her on this and to make sure that she and other know just how foul ISIS is.
  6. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I don't necessarily think that she would be back if she was white but I do think that she should be bought back and made to explain herself and for her decisions to be challenged and her to be tried should for any criminal acts. We do actually need to get at least some of the leading ISIS fuckwits into some form of court of justice so that they can be tried challenged for their criminal acts. A past problem over the last 40 years is that we have been afraid to visibly challenge this Islamic militancy (indeed also that of Christian and Jewish Militants) and make these fuckwits try to explain and show themselves up for the deluded and dangerous fools that they are.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I see that Shamima say's that she is willing to change .. Yes that the spirit, just throw off that pervy nuns outfit have a bath and and then pop down to Primark or New Look.
  8. I was on the last AC multiple unit (E.M.U.) 304028 train from Crewe to Altrincham Judge.
  9. I have long said that we should draw a 25 mile radius circle around the centre of London and kill everything inside that circle. I would then send an invitation for all SNP hating Scots to head South and take over.
  10. I suspect that the cunt might do well long term out of this. I remember a cunt who claimed that he was "assaulted" a few times on the trains and was "grounded" for his own "safety" and given an office job. Within 18 months the cunt was a manager. Strangely the police were never able to identify who had "assaulted" him.
  11. Doesn't the hot tar mask the smell?
  12. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Click, click, click, click, click. Click, click, click, click, click. CLICK.
  13. They fell on a rozzer's head .. I only served two months of the six month sentence though.
  14. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Click, click, click, click, click.
  15. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    I have to say that I totally agree with Jeremy Corbyn's well thought out opinion on this matter.
  16. What's wrong with decking or getting someone to do some cheap tarmac?
  17. I threw both boxes through the window eight years ago.
  18. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    She's a rather pretty girl isn't she?
  19. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Click, click, click, click, click.
  20. I have been looking at how these "pain relief pens" work, just wondering if they could be adjusted to work in reverse?
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