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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Be very, very careful .. there are some very kind and gentle people here who would very much like to see your head mounted as a trophy on their sitting room wall.
  2. I would have sympathy with Kevin Lister's rights save for the likely fact that his beliefs are likely to be linked to his belief in the supreme sky fairy .. such cunts should be kept well away from educational establishments and any young or other impressionable people or better still locked in a looney bin.
  3. These cunts are probably the most millitant Isamists of all and Putin has played with fire and used them in his fight against The Ukraine and in his security apparatus .. what makes it worse is that they are not of eastern origin, mostly gingers i.e. Caucasian Nordic types who somehow got converted to Islam. The old Soviet state kept a very firm lid on these cunts and would likely have sorted them in Afghanistan if the west had not funded and armed the Islamist warlord there back in the 1980s.
  4. One of the best explanations I have ever seen .. there is a bit of that hatred that goes on between the cunts in North and South Wales where some of them hate each other more than they hate the English.
  5. It would be far better if you volunteered for the role
  6. It looks like this total shit and fuckwit has got his comeuppance .. at least 37 years in gaol and probable a sore arse. Too clever by arse. https://news.sky.com/story/it-worker-luke-dwit-jailed-for-life-after-murdering-essex-couple-with-fentanyl-13099137
  7. I have noticed that a lot of these devoutly religious folk are often on the fringes (or well over on the wrong-side) of wrong doing .. I have seen this in my own family often accompanied by mean mindedness too. My reckoning is that they "know" that the supreme being" will forgive them just as long as they repent of their sins or perhaps martyr themselves.
  8. @Ape™️ I am waiting for a call from LCE to tell me that my camera lens has arrived .. do you have any thoughts?
  9. Isn't it time we had a devout mooslim Bond?
  10. Isn't it time that this totally unfunny cunt was dead and long buried?
  11. What's happening @Ape™️ .. another really bad day at work?
  12. It is a difficult decision .. their lives are miserable and they depend on me.
  13. He does seem to have most of his words for me.
  14. Or a vat of boiling porridge.
  15. @Cuntybaws hasn't been on since 2nd March .. has someone eaten him?
  16. Miles

    Rose Dugdale

    "Thatcher, Thatcher milk snatcher!".
  17. Who the fuck are you .. we are not into that sort of thing .. show some respect to your betters. 😠
  18. Miles

    Rose Dugdale

    Her mugshot somehow reminds me of Bernadette Devlin .. a real hags face.
  19. Miles

    Rose Dugdale

    In some ways her early life and how she developed in her 30s looks similar to Constance Marten .. privilege and could probably have had any man because of her upbringing but chose to go rougher than rough.
  20. Miles

    Rose Dugdale

    Aristocratic relatives?
  21. Miles

    Rose Dugdale

    I see that this fat despicable slug has died .. I hope that her death was painful. I despised her because of her hatred and treacherous hatred of the British working class rather than for her support for a united Ireland .. the manner which chose to show that "support also made her an enemy of all Irish people too.
  22. TBH I don't think that @Wolfie really likes him.
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