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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Wrong to speak of the braindead like that ..poor Wizz.
  2. Miles

    Red Nose Day

    I peaked in 1982 you scoundrel.
  3. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Snap .. dogs are shit factories on four legs.
  4. I bet that you have had your chopper out over the past few days.
  5. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Shit Chic. .. its a dog's dinner.
  6. Be gentle on him .. poor old Wizz suffers from agoraphobia, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, persecution complex and nyctophobia all rolled into one.
  7. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Her little black dress needs to go in the washing machine.
  8. Miles

    Olivia Colman

    Is this you @Decimus? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-47387322
  9. No .. do you remember when you were able to leave your mouth shut?
  10. That was long before my time Droop .. does @Wizardsleeve know about your "multi"?
  11. He joined the corner 11 months before you did you dope ridden old fool.
  12. I bet that you love licking and getting your fat lips around lollipops,
  13. Good evening Withers .. are the geese well?
  14. Someone from British Rail delivered it by hand telling me to report to the Office Manager on the following Monday morning.
  15. Will the latest New Scientist weekly be at WH Smiths today?
  16. Until about twenty years ago the mail would usually arrive before 10AM, usually before 9AM, and the postie would deliver it on a bicycle or on foot.. latest I and received it is after 5PM. these days you can wait in all day for the mail to arrive. This is a total cunt, time to get back to basics and have a proper letter delivery service.
  17. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    This is you Crabbo isn't it?
  18. I have long supected that you actually ride an NSU Quickly.
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