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Everything posted by Miles

  1. A silverfish is an insect .. how do you like them?
  2. Miles

    Huawei to Hell.

    I got my download from here .. they did mention that a gentleman who carries a stethoscope and a gladstone bag was another customer.
  3. Miles

    Huawei to Hell.

    Good phones though, and if you lose any data on them you just call round at the local Chinese to get a download.
  4. Your geographic knowledge is iffy but have a like for the "other pages" anyway.
  5. Could you still get a penalty for parking a Daihatsu Charade .. after all if it is a charade it cannot be a car can it?
  6. Judge. Do you work 12 hours shifts for Deliveroo?
  7. Miles

    R Kelly

    No .. he's an atheist.
  8. The reason that CBB's great great great great great grandad wanted his loaf of bread back is because he was in the same cell as SC's great great great great great grandad and the loaf of bread had a file and hacksaw blade concealed in it..
  9. Miles


    They're called flesh tunnels Dewdy.
  10. The issue I have is with the outfits where no enforcement notice is placed on the vehicle and the first you know of it is when the letter comes through the post. ParkingEye and a number of other outfits work in this way.
  11. I am not against the principle of paying to park but one thing that does concern me is that many of the enforcement companies are happy to rake in the money but do not actually have any staff physically on the car parks doing patrols. It should be a requirement that for being permitted to use number-plate recognition the car parks should be regularly patrolled by staff on the the car parks .
  12. There is nothing wrong with crossing patrol personnel.
  13. Not a new problem. Back in 1826 George Stephenson was talking to a parliamentary committee in his Newcastle accent and was asked if he was a foreigner.
  14. Eric"a" was collecting for the Sally AM in Exeter last week.
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