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Everything posted by Miles

  1. As long as your breakdown is also very distressing and very, very painful who cares?
  2. Have you ever seen a heron make a dump from 300ft?
  3. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    But are you in favour or against the UK leaving the EU .. come out with what you think and stop dithering.
  4. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    I'd rather you didn't make a fuss Decco.
  5. I am now using RTE as my main news source .. what the fuck is this "Tea Shock" thing .. @Panzerknacker?
  6. @Ollyboro you sad cunt what are your thoughts about the BLACK FARMER? https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/Article/2016/08/10/The-Black-Farmer
  7. I don't watch telly or look at adverts Where the fuck is Wiltshire? Does anywhere in the South of England matter? I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK! Why would you ask questions of a pen?
  8. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Now she is really sorry https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2019/0402/1040081-is-bride-shamima-begum/
  9. Miles

    James O’Brien

    As I posted earlier but it seems to have vanished .. the UK parliament has fucked up big time and is no longer fit or capable of ruling .. my proposal is to suspend it with immediate effect and have direct rule from Dublin.
  10. Miles

    Mary Lou

    @Panzerknacker what are your thoughts on this bitch? https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2019/0401/1040049-sinn-fein-banner/
  11. Would you like a nice soft brexit @Panzerknacker?
  12. Miles

    Jemma Beale

    You will note that I am mostly absent for around 16 of the day unlike you who are on all night. Go and swallow a couple of two pound bags of sugar you boring insulin deficient morbidly obese cunt.
  13. Miles

    Jemma Beale

    One thing is certain Wizzo .. I would never apologize sic to a sterile washed up punch-drunk home-alone old yank like you. And @DrCunt .. remember that you need to take for extra insulin injections immediatley and to then bash yourself on the hea with a claw hammer should you fail to pass out innstantly.
  14. Don't forget that today is the day that the UK and Ireland switches to driving on the right hand side of the road. Take care out there.
  15. Miles

    Jemma Beale

    You are not a real woman you do you have any droopy pissflaps unless you had them created during surgery when you were in Brazil. .. Do you bash your own bishop?
  16. Miles

    James O’Brien

    You are a Blairite @judgetwi aren't you?
  17. @Panzerknacker .. any thoughts on this? .. A new homeless action plan for Dublin has called for more attention to the issue of people born outside of Ireland who are in need of services. The Dublin Region Homeless Executive says 21% of the new families presenting as homeless last year were non-EU citizens, with 67% Irish and 12% from other EU countries. The report, Homeless Action Plan 2019-2022, says that non-EU families present a "significant challenge" as some are here illegally or awaiting residency status, and there is a lack of clarity over their entitlement to housing and support services.
  18. Its a nice little racket I have going I sell him fake randy andy choppers.
  19. I have gained at least 30 knots by sailing closer to the wind .. I am currently circling Panzbaby ready for the kill. You always have to gain their trust before giving them the `comforting' injection.
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