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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Reported .. he would have had a lime in his fat gob.
  2. Crappy response Eric Come back after you've got some Guinness down you. This is cunts corner not mumsnet.
  3. Fuck me what a dreary miserable cunt you are .. kill yourself.
  4. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    We have something called "the chattering classes" .. they support and vote for all of the main parties but the one thing that they have in common when you try to point out the contradictions in their arguments or the sheer hypocrisy in what they are saying is .. "You can't say that!". They tend also to be over fond of using the word xenophobia as an accusation against those who criticise them when it is actually they who are in fear of change.
  5. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    The outcome at Newport West will be determined by those who bother to vote.
  6. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    The tories have been selling themselves on a mix of patriotism, British Nationalism, Popularism and we will do what you wish and they have failed on all fronts. It is no good pointing out what you think is bad in the opposition when the party you support have turned out to be a load of turncoat lying weasels.
  7. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Fiona Onasanya voted in favour of the Bresit extension bilesic.
  8. Had beans on toast for breakfast this morning wither's, healthier than frogs legs and snails. Don't you agree?
  9. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    I hope that none of your old patients from Wrenbury heard you say that .. wait a minute I bet that they passed away "peacefully".
  10. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    PhD = Poofs have Dicks.
  11. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Do you pronounce it as "Lartay"?
  12. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    Cornishman not a Scot actually.
  13. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    I take it that you are not a member of the Cheshire Set?
  14. Dr Cunt the miserable old cunt.
  15. Yes at least two females and DC is also an old woman.
  16. Miles

    Shamina Begum

    Bring the poor sweet girl home.
  17. Anyway here's some "arm action".
  18. What about sultans .. are they still safe?
  19. Miles

    Mary Lou

    You are an MCP @Panzerknacker.
  20. Jazzo, the one thing present in copious amounts on the corner is empathy .. especially from those medical cuntsters .. I am sure that scotty would quickly end your suffering.
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