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Posts posted by Miles

  1. One subject mentioned is that there is no evidence of her motive to kill those babies .. in truth she could have done it because she thought that she would get away with it .. i have seen plenty of evidence of senior managers and directors who took life destroying decisions because they knew that they could get away with it .. perhaps Dear Sweet Lucy did the same but did not get away with it .. I suspect that there are a few punters here with a similar mindset.

  2. 2 hours ago, and said:

    That's not a problem for most of them, as long as they don't actually admit it in public or on record.

    Not to forgot how they voted yesterday .. people will die as a result of the way they voted and those who voted one way will have committed murder and get away with it.

  3. 14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Given the fu king creaking hole system of our health system any amount of abuse is probable and a tually happening at this moment.  Also abuse through neglect and callous behaviour. 

    But our arse cheeks in Parliament NEVER EVER turn up in A&E or NHS wards or our GP surgeries do they Why?  🤔 

    Private medicine paid for by guess who



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  4. 9 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    @Frank. Honest question. When you’re not shuffling around bespoke but closed clothes shops in a tramp’s beanie with your snot encrusted nose pressed up against the window in the pissing down rain, is watching shit like this all you have to do with your time, you peculiar little troll fuck-up? Jesus bastarding Christ, man.

    A better question is what do you do with your time other than spend all day and d night on here rather than spending all day cruising in your year old Bentley?

    • Like 1
  5. To me the evidence presented during the trial just seemed too clear cut and that too few questions were being asked of those pointing the finger , was there no chance someone having been inept and taking chances when handling medical equipment and what about the problems with the drains in the hospital .. going back to 1980/1981 my mother spent several months in a then modern hospital and suffered infection after infection and never recovered .. yes there were issues were her she was obese but she was in a supposedly clinical environment and should not have suffered infection after infection. The babies in the Letby case were mostly very ill and frail. Statistics are statistics and bloody statistics .. In the Sally Clarke case a medical "expert" relied on them and was later proved unreliable because of him using betting type odds to come to his conclusions of his opinion on her likely "guilt". One thing I did notice was Letby's willingness to do overtime and work longer shifts .. there is evidence that with such people that they become tired and more prone to making mistakes .. was this considered by the prosecution? She did come across as nieve and over willing to please .. too clever for her own good and the perfect scapegoat for failings elsewhere.

  6. 13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    As is Rachel Reeves claiming £3,700 towards her own heating bills out of MPs expenses.   That's what a Starmer-Harris world is like.  To say otherwise is a thought crime according to them. 

    They need to keep warm .. being a pensioner is dead end .. the truth is that they lack to courage to seize back the cash from the cunts who sold them the fake ppe equipment and the tax owed by the corporate shysters etc.

    • Like 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    What an easily riled man you are, Penelope. 

    Talking about educational failures, you clearly lack even the most basic of biology knowledge, my "lady".


    What a little no-life pipsqueak you are. Uncle Fester.

  8. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Reading Trump-Harris news bites on Google etc.  you would think Trump flopped miserably in last night's debate.   Having viewed the debate on YouTube it's clear to me how skewed our propaganda machine is.  Harris was far from competent or convincing.   In fact she came across as an insincere crafty manipulator.   All the time on about "values" "lifting people up" and other worn out prattle.   But if you skimmed across British media she comes across as an ethnic female version of Jesus Christ. 

    insincere crafty manipulator. That is what a political professional needs to be .. it matters not how well Trump performs in such debates he is a criminal low life with no self control, a buffoon.

  9. On 09/09/2024 at 16:35, and said:

    Quaking in your anti-Semitic boots now, aren't you, you fuckin' pussy.

    There is something that makes him permanently angry .. perhaps a visible physical deformity .. I would suspect that he uses one of those mobility scooters with big wheels that are intended to resemble an "easy rider" trike .. he likely  drags one of those little mental health support dogs behind him or carries it in the basket in front of the scooter.  I pity that poor little doggie :( . He is certainly an educational failure  with poor geography skills who thinks that Norwich is in the South East of England rather in the East Midlands and  north of places like Coventry and Birmingham.

  10. On 08/09/2024 at 16:52, Decimus said:

    I've tried to add you to a PM alongside @Dyslexic cnut but it wouldn't let me after I'd already added a few others. 

    You'll be pleased to hear, amongst several other members on here perhaps, that after having his spotty arse tanned overnight, the little nonce loving cunt @ClitWestwood has threatened to bring the site to the Old Bill's attention.

    Others may want to be aware that there's a snake within our midst. No doubt he'll claim that it was only aimed at me, but as soon as they start poking their nose in they're going to see all sorts, including that idiot's hate speech diatribes over the years, the stupid little cunt.

    @Decimus you are the snake or should we really say LOWLIFE WORM. Petty EAST MINDLANDS council employee.

  11. 11 hours ago, Decimus said:

    He's been warned, DC. It remains to be seen if he'll heed my advice long term, but if he knows what's good for him, he will spend the next seven days attacking the other two members of The Girls Club relentlessly.

    Who do you think you are .. petty little  EAST MIDLANDS council employee?

  12. 8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    This is a guy who starts badly, gets told he's shit, then digs in his heels and ploughs on regardless.  First Winter Fuel possibly Council Tax Single Discount.   Seems to me he is blazing a trail of political failure and blundering which must have been learned from watching the tory antics in opposition.   That would be the charitable view of the man.   But the evidence of his recent interview on BBC is that he is a cretin with very little real life empathy.   

    What a fuck up. 

    A bit hard on cretins.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

    Yes, trust nobody on here, except Ape. He has neither the energy or the intelligence to be devious. 


    7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Funny.  I'm watching Gordon Scott in Tarzan Fights For His Life and the makebelieve replica white middleclass family set up in Tarzan's tree house.   I was just thinking how Cheetah is wearing a sort of hide skirt to cover up his big red obscene chimps arse. Completely destroys the realism of the scene. 

    Any thooughts @Ape™️?

  14. 11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    If everyone bar a 74 year old man who looks and dresses like a hypertrichosis afflicted Penelope Keith wants you fucked off the site, and has done for the last decade, don't you think it's time to take your own advice?

    Oh look its the East Midlands parking warden!

    • Like 1
  15. 27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Talk about shitting on one's own doorstep. I'll be surprised if the spotty adolescent doesn't attract attention from internet authorities more than 99% of other punters... especially his potentially litigious comments about bestiality, 'darkies', how he wishes famous people death, advocation of cruelty to dogs, scat porn, and of course the nonce inferences, would undoubtedly contribute towards a possible site closure more than most.  

    Still, (and I mean this from the goodness of my heart) Reptyle's just a boy; he may be as old as 25, though judging by his prose and lack of anger management, I'd guestimate he's not a day older than 21. So, he can to some extent be forgiven for being an easily riled young man who probably still 'self-pleasures' thrice daily.  

    Lack of Anger Management puts you at an age not greater than 10.

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