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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Oh yes he will .. he is the fake doctor as well.
  2. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Are you also Whizz and Fake "Dr" cunt?
  3. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Leave poor old Ape alone .. he's OK but he isn't very interesting.
  4. Miles


    Interfering and dangerous old hag. https://www.rte.ie/news/2019/0417/1043285-pelosi-belfast-border-brexit/
  5. That was around 1984 .. I could drive all day as long as I had a few cans of Colt 45 in the car to swig at.
  6. Miles

    Being English

    I had both eyes done in 2016 mate.
  7. Did anyone ever see Norwich Victoria before she was ruined?
  8. Miles

    Being English

    We had a train driver who was a dead ringer for Roland Rat he was more of a mouse in character though.
  9. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    It doesn't matter Panz. we are staying .. just that we will be sitting on the "naughty steps" for the next twenty years.
  10. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    There will be a "technical" form of BREXIT, with the UK tied to the EU under most of the existing rules but highly disadvantageous to the UK. The UK will not get away with this without severe punishment .. you have to remember that all this has been very costly to the EU and the UK will end up paying for it and more. Longer term the dissident part of the population .. those with loyalty to UK plc will be encouraged to either "change their minds" or to move elsewhere. Doubtless in decades to come there will be expatriate English populations in places like the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada who will be singing all the football anthems and bowing to Prince George of Cambridge as the rightful heir to the throne that forgotten kingdom.
  11. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

    I could not help but notice that the address of one of the defendants in an upcoming trial is shown as "Gooseworry Lane" in a certain South Yorkshire town.
  12. I doub't very much that you have feelings "Doctor".
  13. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

  14. Miles

    BREXIT Part XI

  15. Any thoughts on the £1 Poundshop Easter Eggs that Bristol City are selling for £7?
  16. I would say Norwich .. its a dead end at best so you are not going anywhere and it would not be missed.
  17. Trueform, Liptons and Finefare are all still there.
  18. So you admit that you have solved the travelling punter problem?
  19. He gave a good review of the pork belly with black pudding.
  20. Miles

    The One Show

    What's she like when she takes the make-up off?
  21. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Would you like to "leaf" through the cataract surgery documentation and diagrammes that were sent to me before I had my eyes "done".
  22. It is still a fucking RAILWAY Station. Get fucked.
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