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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I don't eat burgers Judge. They would try to poison me and there is no next train.
  2. Miles

    Wild Justice

    You don't happen to have another ID on here such as one who "lives in Cheshire and Chelsea, Devout Catholic, Golfer Range Rover owner etc"?
  3. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Good point .. in Devon many of the shot birds such as pheasants are simply piled on bonfires and burnt.
  4. Miles

    Wild Justice

    The conservation of upland grouse moors is a cause of much of the lowland flooding. Corvids are simply doing their job sorting out the weaklings. The RSPB are these days more of a commercial organisation .. it might interest you to know that the RSPB were the largest single sponsor of the REMAIN Campaign.
  5. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Many of these luvies have of course endorsed and encouraged the use of wood burning stoves that in fact usually burn the kind of wood that creates more pollution than "black coal" .. indeed in some towns and cities the smoke from these stoves is causing significant health problems. As to the bio fuel the carrying and prior processing itself causes significant problems and it is silly for a country such as the UK to use when we sit on deep mined coal that causes less pollution if used sensibly in power stations built as a back up to wind and other fossil free generation. Eco Biz is of course an excellent Tory policy along with all the other scams.
  6. Miles

    Wild Justice

    As to the thread starter perhaps better adherence to rule 7 need to be encouraged. One of my concerns is that some of the people involved are not focusing on proper compliance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act which covers activity on open access land, and SSSIs A significant problem is being caused by people walking their dogs on such land and failing to keep them under control .. this has had a major impact on ground nesting birds such as skylarks, meadow pippits and lapwings. Indeed Chris Packham sponsors dogs days that encourage people to take their dogs out into the countryside and let them run free. Strict rules regarding nesting birds between 1st March and 31st July .. (inclusive), yet receive little or no mention by these luvies. A further issue is on farmland and there is now a serious national problem with sheep and other farm animals being "worried" and killed by out of control dogs. In many cases this is happening when people take their take their dogs unleashed across field were livestock is grazing and then make a quick exit when their dogs goes out of control and chase the livestock. Time was when we had genuine broadcasters who understood natural history and the whys and wherefores. These days all we get are self centred luvies who actually care not a fig for the environment unless there is money to be made for them.
  7. Eddie you of all people should know that were the BBC to report this all the snowflakes would melt and people would drown in the flood.
  8. Why the fuck do you call it an "all day fucking breakfast" if you won't serve it all fucking day?
  9. Miles

    George cunting Ezra

    Is this one of those talentless cunts whose faces appear on billboards from time to time advertise the latest compilation CD from some cunt that no one would ever have heard of if it had not been posted on the bill boards?
  10. Dame Emma Thompson is the real cunt here not that 16 year old. Thompson flew thousand of miles to make a speach and indulge in making self promoting selfie. when she could simply of issue a statement to be read out or sent an audio file to be played.
  11. A significant number of New IRA members dressed in para military uniform allowed to march through Dublin. Very disturbing @Panzerknacker can you explain how this can be allowed in a civilised peace loving democratic country shortly after the Lyra McKey murder? https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2019/0421/1044841-saoradh/
  12. Miles

    Wild Justice

    One of the most serious issues affecting wildlife in the countryside and in nature reserves are thick cunts taking their dogs with them and letting them off the leash and to run uncontrolled which is against the law.. Chris Packham seems to encourage this yet he wrote the following "The message is clear . . . if you are breaking the law, if the law is weak, if the law is flawed – we are coming for you. Peacefully, democratically and legally. Our simple premise is to work with the laws we’ve got to seek real justice for our wildlife, to reform, refine or renew those laws we have to ensure that justice can be properly realised. Our wildlife has been abused, has been suffering, exploited or destroyed by criminals for too long. Well, no longer. Wild Justice will at last be the voice of those victims and it will be heard . . . and justice will be served.‘."
  13. Miles

    Wild Justice

    The main "pest" species is Homo sapiens.
  14. Miles

    Wild Justice

    @Eric Cuntman likes stewed albertross
  15. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Excellent news .. perhaps they will kill you instead.
  16. There was also one for the little shitbag who got killed racing a car that he had stolen.
  17. 3rd to 5th of June. I hope that all you remoaners and climate change protestors will be there to greet him.
  18. This is Ape .. he's been having too many chips with his baked beans
  19. Miles


    This daft cow claims to have suffered from anxiety but still managed to have her tongue pierced without having an anxiety attack. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-devon-47884268/baking-was-my-escape-from-anxiety
  20. It is very likely that these elections will take place in the UK. Possibly a walkover by Brexiteer parties. The MEP will duly go to sit in the European parliament with the other countries MEP ignoring them because the UK will be gone by 31st October. As the 31st October approaches a slow realisation will come that the UK is leaving the EU at no time soon along with the realisation that the remoaners will still be stringing things out and a UK general election is looming not too far in the future, and they are going to have to check back on everything that the UK MEPs have said. Jean Claude Juncter will be found in a drunken stupor.(although it will take medica several hours to realise that it is "drunken"). Meanwhile a slobbering fool will be found gibbering in a corner in a Dublin tenemment flat, and Emannuel Macron and Angela Merkel will be found stone dead in a final embrace.
  21. Top 'O The monin' to yer @Panzerknacker
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