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Everything posted by Miles

  1. That is why I used the word duplicitous. He has blocked me anyway so he will not see what I have written (although I am aware of the sidebar).
  2. Decco. is rather selective and duplicitous in his actions, he likes to dish it out but cries "foul" when he is caught out doing it himself. He is nothing more or less than a crybaby.
  3. I do hope that any benefits have been stopped after their virtual win. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8941567/career-criminals-denied-lotto-win-stolen-debit-card/
  4. Wizz did miss a trick in that he should have told Betsy that it was a trap, and that Betsy had fallen into it.
  5. 250ml in these cans .. Ape will know as he gulps 10 of them down every day.
  6. No, you are doing the ghostwriting you dimwit.
  7. Miles

    100 not out!

    Evidence regarding the benefits "gravy train" please.
  8. Miles

    100 not out!

    Are the people who put the bodies back together paid by piece rate?
  9. Good old @Earl of Punkape the fish are biting tonight.
  10. Glandular fever was 61 years ago and the shingles was 42 years ago.
  11. Miles

    Frozen food

    That is really funny .. have a like.
  12. I have had glandular fever and shingles if that helps.
  13. Miles

    George cunting Ezra

    You could try just to make sure.
  14. Miles

    Wild Justice

    One of the frogs was his imaginary French master.
  15. Not many Normans here belgics and Celts mostly.
  16. Does a greatly enlarged liver tickle the ribs?
  17. So the BBC in its further attempts to normalise that which is abnormal post the diary of a young girl who is celebrating the fact that she is now mature enough to wear the hijab and that the hijab gives her freedom. No it fucking does not .. it marks you as yet another treacherous bitch who is sticking two finger up to the rest of society in the UK .. it marks you as saying that you will not integrate. The attitude that allows this is exactly like LGBT .. and promoting it as a lifestyle ie a choice .. no none of it is a choice. I will respect the rights of any "protected group" within the limits of general society but these should not be promoted as lifestyle choices. Whilst I am left of Leon Trotsky come the Local Council and Euro Elections I will seek out and vote for most right wing candidates that I can find. Fuck off BBC, Fuck off Luvies, Fuck off "Liberal" easy to offends .. you are all simply bigoted fuckwits. You are fucking hypocrits.
  18. That sounds French .. are you Withers?
  19. Thank you for the information about why breakfast is so called. I usually sleep for around 5 hours and use a feeding tube .. thank you anyway.
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