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Everything posted by Miles

  1. @Panzerknacker number for a taxi to get me from Conneley to Juriys?
  2. Have you got the number for a taxi to get me from Conneley to Jury's?
  3. Thank you for this @Panzerknacker, I will be there from 8:45. Just booked rooms at Jury's for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  4. @judgetwi this cunt is agreeing with Heil Hitler.
  5. Whilst I am not against folks having disabled parking badges the entire principle is now reduced to a mocking shop. If you need to use a wheelchair or are very seriously mobillity restricted for a physical reason I see no objection. However from what I see here in Torkey 90% of the badge holders and users have reasonably good mobility .. usually better mobility than I have. What seems really odd is that most of the disabled parking on double yellow lines I see here is on hills with a gradient of at least 1 in 10 in and involve a walk of at least 400 yards downhill to the town and a similar uphill walk back to the car (which leaves the question as to why they need a disabled parking badge) . Almost always the cars are parked dangerously close to road junction or severe bends or places that cause danger to other road users. To me a disabled badge should only ever be issued to someone with very severely restricted mobility who was unable to benefit from normal exercise. I would have course have all public places fitted with devices to painfully remove obese people from mobility scooters. I would also not issue such badges to people whose mobility issues are caused by the natural aging process.
  6. Miles


  7. Miles

    Wild Justice

    Not far from where I live there is an SSSI .. potential an very good home for a mix of cliff top breading birds along with ground nesting birds such as sky larks and meadows pippets along with butterflies such as the Grean Hairstreak, Small Blue and Chalkhill Blue. Indeed 45 years ago the nesting sea birds and the ground nesting birds were all present in good numbers. You will find no nesting sea birds, sky larks or meadow pippets there now though nor the butterfly species that I have mentioned .. the problem is an infestation of Canis lupus. During daylight hours you will find at least 30 Canis lupus on the the site .. not that they are actually killing anything, but the problems is that they are roaming uncontrolled everywhere and poking their noses everywhere. Of course there is another problem in that there are always Homo sapiens present with the Canis lupus. TBH the Homo sapiens and Canis lupus were there years before the wildlife vanished .. but that was the time when the Homo sapiens tended to keep the Canis Lupus on leads and not when the stupid old bags each with five of the fucking dogs came by car and let them run amok on this SSSI that might just as well have its status removed.
  8. Miles


    Was it a woodie, park drive or a number six that you were smoking? Get Fucked.
  9. Queen Billy keeps a toilet plunger up his.
  10. Miles

    100 not out!

    Adam Faith's alleged last words were "interesting".
  11. Miles

    100 not out!

    You must be quite old .. do you remember "Market In Honey Lane"?
  12. Miles

    Working class snobs

    Its doing me a lot of favours little willy.
  13. Does Milton have a method or is he sterile?
  14. Miles

    Working class snobs

    Morphine .. I thought that the nurse said Maureen.
  15. Miles

    Working class snobs

    I have to finish dwinking early because of the diabecis.
  16. Miles

    Working class snobs

    I am just a tiny lickle bit drunk.
  17. They don't have to be volunteers .. so I have been told.
  18. Miles

    100 not out!

    Or spend their time flying toy helicopters.
  19. They take more risks and buy more tickets . I would limit payouts to £1 for cunts with recent criminal records.
  20. You have not been blessed with more than you share of happiness have you Ape?
  21. It looks like the suspected Lyra McKee murderer (seen on the left) was either a dwarf or more likely a silly 14 year old cunt.
  22. You are not the brightest tool in the box are you?
  23. Miles

    100 not out!

    I suppose that for a suicide bomber the fact that you have been blown into several hundred pieces might make it easier for you to shag 72 virgins.
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