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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Its what control the price.
  2. Billy is very Albertesque
  3. It surprising what iformation you have access to if you work for a council .. especially the parking section or the section that controls the councils own community support officers .. it can backfire though if you misuse that information.
  4. I don't want to be your mate Silly Billy. I do think that you need to tighten the bars of your cage up though so that they don't rattle as much.
  5. How is Winston Smith these days Wizz?
  6. Sherlock Holmes .. Wizz is the Homo.
  7. Sherlock Holmes actually.
  8. Mrs R probably knows more about me than anyone else on here save possibly for Rick B.
  9. Ding last posted in July 2017, he had a big row with Mrs R but the actually id was shown as active until fairly recently. I am fairly sure that he logged in about 6 months ago.
  10. Just looked Ding has been "guested".
  11. Ding's id is still there if you look.
  12. Bill Stickers would have sussed him out long ago if it was Ding.
  13. I have been reading about some of the "racist slurs". Actually many of these alleged slurs are slurs against particular nationalities rather than actually being racist slurs.
  14. I stood by the old pool admiring the ducks and swans and then walked to the end of of the pool where I saw him sitting. .. "MILLWALL! MILLWALL! MILLWALL!" I cried "FUCK OFF I'M A VALE SUPPORTER!" was his reply I repeated my "MILLWALL! MILLWALL! MILLWALL!" cry but got the same reply . It was a split second later that the wall he was sitting on collapsed and he fell to his doom in the raging torrent that was passing beneath the old mill wheel.
  15. Fucking hell Panz, what a two faced creeping lump of shit you really are .. you would need to jump to see over the parapet.
  16. @Roadkill we need pictures of @Panzerknacker's bulging biceps on his lips and tongue it takes power to drive that bullshit the two-faced little worm comes out with.
  17. You would have flown hanging on to a jump jet.
  18. Miles


    I always had confidence in you.
  19. Miles

    Danny Baker

    The snake has slithered away back into the long grass.
  20. Mother said that I started to sing long before I could talk .. she said that I could dance before I could walk.
  21. Yesterday it was a little lad with one leg who had learned to dance .. the lad was an Afgahn in Afganistan .. even if these little snippets are in the UK they are about none white cunts, never about white cunts. 50 Years ago on the BBC such snippets would be about Mrs Fanshaw from Ilminster finding a frog in her knickers.or Old Major Plunkett finding his false teeth on the number 27 bus 3 years after he lost.
  22. Thoughts on this ? https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2019/0515/1049549-british-soldiers-/ Laws protecting UK soldiers from prosecution will not apply to NI
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