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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I will also bet that whilst he might be getting an NHS pension that he is actually working in Ozzielands version of the NHS. https://jobs.gponline.com/article/why-are-britain-s-gps-relocating-down-under-/
  2. And it is also taking place in a country that is actually in Asia rather than Europe.
  3. @Ape I know that you cannot read this but much of life consists of looking things up .. I am considered to be an Expert on British Butterflies but I always have a couple of books to hand to double check information and I am also not above using the internet to do so too. I am will to wager 50 New Pence that you yourself are regular user of google and other sources of reference.
  4. I have decided to vote for the most objectional and bigoted right wing candidate, based on the premise that our elected leaders deserve a kick in the teeth How are others going to vote what reasoning will you use?
  5. I always felt that Phuket was LCS's kind of place.
  6. I am sure that he made mention of Asians at some point .. not sure that the skippies would put up with him and haven't they also got some fixation about older people moving there and potentially becoming a drain on their social services?
  7. Decimus and Panzer have done exactly what I wanted them to do.
  8. The block user option is there Billy so why don't you use it?
  9. I know that you can't read this Panz but local doctors here say the opposite, they are still moaning about hoarding of medication. The reality is that the NHS is a large customer and the drugs companies are not going to willingly lose the revenue they get from the NHS and that is going to override any nonsense from jumped officials in the EU or elsewhere. I do understand that your own Health Service Executive is at panic stations over a number of issues.
  10. That is more your type of thing Albert.
  11. Isn't Bali now becoming one of the terrorist hot spots?
  12. Miles

    Burning Cathedrals

    Is Frank now on your friends list Wizzo?
  13. Sorry I can't see the train numbers no more as @Decimus has had them blocked 😢
  14. Miles


    I would like to join in but I am not clever enough .. its not as if I am Piethagoras is it.
  15. The bunker was always (unofficially) well signposted from well before it became a museum.
  16. Just that I think we have talked about that area in general and a couple of pubs not far away. Was sure that you were already on here when I appeared.
  17. Does the (not so) secret nuclear bunker mean anything to you?
  18. You were here in 2010 I think, unless there was another Scotty.
  19. Does anyone know the cunt was who posted the blog as Kerry Katona's driver in the forum circa 2009?
  20. I think Scotty might have been here before me. Apple was here as Gibson1986 and was here long before me. I think that Frank was also around before me.
  21. There are a few more on here who only ever use the tradesmens entrance.
  22. No man is inflammable .. Len Turnock Mayor of Crewe & Nantwich.
  23. They are going to issue me with a symbol cane if that helps.
  24. You'll need to get down to 5 stones and get a pair of tight white pants to hide the wank stains get a pair ofsize 4 loabs.
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