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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Don't you have to have to wind up the battery on your electric car?
  2. Miles

    Jews and WW2

  3. Offspring of East European whities in Devon who do it.
  4. Cunts riding at speed along pavements, in pedestrian zones, doing wheelies, 40mph on eScooters and eBikes often on pavements too .. should be a hanging offence. At least Ian Duckhead-Smith has finally done something useful in getting this law passed. New 'death by dangerous cycling' offence after MPs back law change https://news.sky.com/story/new-death-by-dangerous-cycling-offence-after-mps-back-law-change-13136725
  5. Miles

    Jews and WW2

    I would like to see a boa constrictor (of any gender) have crush on you. That post had fuck all to do with you.
  6. Miles

    Jews and WW2

    That is not going to happen .. if you fired a howitzer 12 yards from @Ape™️ but he would still not be the least bit surprised .. he might pause for a few seconds to look and then shake his head in dissapointment but surprise is not a word that he knows .. I think that it is safe to say that @Ape™️ is the pillar of reasonableness by which all others are judged.
  7. He's recently been evicted and left homeless sleeping rough on the street so please be gentle with him.
  8. I'm going to bed .. keep working on it.
  9. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
  10. But they have climbed through it, however they ended up in Tipperary.
  11. No .. you are just a whinging old poof.
  12. Paging @PANZER MURPHY! Paging @PANZER MURPHY! https://www.itv.com/news/2024-05-13/video-portal-between-dublin-and-new-york-paused-after-inappropriate-behaviour
  13. He has brung it on himself by choosing a silly user name .. it reminds me of the CB radio days when people would choose silly handles and then get upset when other cunts would pick on them because of the user name that they had chosen. @Old Chap Raasclaat should choose some more innocuous username perhaps something like Frodo Baggins or Gollum.
  14. Sometimes I think that @PANZER MURPHY is now the very best on here.
  15. Isn't that also what the "shinners" told the basques in Spain?
  16. I will admit that this is the very best post that I have ever seen from you.
  17. I find your deeply analytical view refreshing.
  18. There are both troubled people .. I cannot say mind as I doubt that neither of them have a mind.
  19. Couldn't you take it through a window .. there was a very fat woman who died at Winsford .. they had to get some firemen to take her body out through a window.
  20. So you know about "tucking" .. do you take it up your back passage?
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