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Everything posted by Miles

  1. The debt we owe to the banks and other lenders due to covid also puzzles me .. surely we were also helping them protect there funds so we do not owe these lenders anything.
  2. I would think well below 1% .. there are a few such couples around Torbay but out of a population of around 120,000 I would think that only see less than 10 him & him couples and a similar number of her & her couples for some reason they always seem to have small dogs (1 each).
  3. I don't really like him but I would like him to win, we need these people to balance the debate and to set reference points. A weakness in recent governments has been the lack of personalities .. all we have are mundane people proposing silly ideas just to gain attention. A sad thing about these nationalist parties is that they often contain such indiviuals who actually should be in the make UK parties.
  4. Have you talked this over with an ai simulation .. I have asked Joan of Arc whether she ever drove a Triumph Dolomite Sprint and also had a good chat with Charles Darwin.
  5. I suppose that a man and woman who only ever do "table-enders" are in a same sex sex relationship.
  6. He's upset because @Frank destroyed Billy Bullshitter last week.
  7. It was good to speak to you in person ay the airshow yesterday .. sad to learn that you heart is only running at 20%.
  8. Have you and your same sex partner done any adopting?
  9. By the "west country" he probably means Swindon.
  10. Billy Bullshitter couldn't you become the first man to leave the Earth's atmosphere without using a spacesuit or breathing apparatus?
  11. Meanwhile Sheep Shearing Championships under way in County Galway
  12. Even the Red Arrows are at it with their RAINBOW smoke trails .. pooftas are everywhere
  13. Just cram more of then into the prisons we have .. 10 years hard labour in chain gangs .. we should be using them on infrastructure projects.
  14. The Donald is shit scared of something .. this became obvious by late 2019 with the realisation that he was likely to lose the election .. a normal leader would have accepted his fate and gone on to the circuit of after dinner speakers and other wealth generating activities of former leaders Tony of Blair and Gordon of Brown have both done well. The truth though with Donald is that his past is catching up with him and the real chance of gaol time is a possibility and there were will also be issues for his family. There are also question about how much wealth he does (or does not) have .. like many of these billionaires and near billionaires their actual wealth is only what they say or other people think they are worth ,, we know that Billy Bullshitter has got a fleet of expensive cars and other property (just so long as other people believe him). We are also aware of a year old Bentley. Most of it is pure bullshit and is simply a case of many of these "multi billionaires" spending other peoples money. Zzzzzzzz.
  15. So you think that serial Walter Mitty who just happens to appear to very rich is not a "real nutter" .. is your brain made of fairy cake?
  16. I know an old gentleman from Stoke-on-Trent who is proud that he used to be black .. he was a coal miner.
  17. I think that it is the "Billy Bullshitter" aspect of Trump that he most admires .. Trump is really just another manchild like himself.
  18. Most Gardner 180s were actually only 150bhp.
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