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Posts posted by Miles

  1. 7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Per capita, members of the LGBT community are far more likely to commit horrendous sexual offences.

    That's a fact.

    As you are a member of the alphabet people and also a high ranking grand wizard of trainspotters anonymous, are you telling me that you don't start legging it to the back door everytime that your doorbell rings?

    You are LGBT are you not?

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    You're on the button there, Aitch. This cunt gives me the legitimate creeps and I'd wager that his hard drive is hotter than Satan's cock, and five times as dirty.

    Nothing like as hot as your hard drive you Moron.

  3. 2 hours ago, Frank said:

    It's remarkable that this fictional fuckwit continues to rent all the space in your thick nut, even while you're overseas. Did Mrs N have any say on that unsightly white lego-looking monstrosity?

    The poor fool did not realise that he was one of the mongs himself .. pity him.

    • Like 2
  4. On 12/09/2024 at 09:29, ChildeHarold said:

    Now Sir Lammy (soon to be Lord Lammy of Lambeth) is to donate long range missiles to Ukraine. 

    The Yankee puppet master controls whatever arse cheek gets into Downing Street - always the Brits blundering ahead for America like a faithful dog.   In this case a black dog.  On top of a spare £600 million he just happened to find in Rachel Reeve's black hole.   I'd like to spend a bit of time in that hole. 


    Be careful what you wish for.

  5. 16 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

    You keep saying that.   Surely you want the self confessed toe rag scalliwag with a few ounces of streetwise brain matter than a pair of pompous brain dead two faced prosecutors like Starmer and Harris who spend so much time rethinking their next gambit or words the other party has stolen the show, got up walked off with it, brought it back to be gift wrapped with a dedication card, taken it away again, thrown a victory party, then climbed into bed for a well earned eight hours peaceful sleep.   No kidding fucking Harris and Starmer are less agile than Robbie the Robot. 

    In politics a week is a long time .. people forget very quickly, one death is tragedy .. a few thousand dead pensioners will be a statistic.

  6. On 12/09/2024 at 02:34, Mike Hunt said:

    By 'eck you seem to have some insider knowledge there DC.  You're not one of those sweaty Swissair chairlift operators are you? 

    He walks straight and proud .. with a zimmer frame, his year old Bentley is classed as cabin luggage.

    • Like 2
  7. 18 hours ago, Guttersnipe said:

    If any fuckwit would be interested in 'hard-up council flat', former 'SAS trained' (territorial army) ghetto kid Davis more fool them. He is a self-styled maverick of the conservative right, the same as Peter Hitchens, and has voiced this bizarre line of guff to keep his profile prominent. There haven't been another spate of infant deaths since LL was incarcerated which I'd say is justice served. Best hope she's transferred to HMP Durham where you know who resides.

    I am liking the cut of your jib Snipe .. harsh but likely to be true .. did little Lucy go to church?

  8. On 11/09/2024 at 23:35, camberwell gypsy said:

    It bugs me as well, Wolfie. Medical evidence throughout British legal history has always been subjective. One 'experts' "expert" medical advice is another "experts" bullshit. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this gets kicked up to the Appeals Court. 

    Looking less likely as there is more evidence against her being reported by the media.

  9. On 11/09/2024 at 10:12, ChildeHarold said:

    Reading Trump-Harris news bites on Google etc.  you would think Trump flopped miserably in last night's debate.   Having viewed the debate on YouTube it's clear to me how skewed our propaganda machine is.  Harris was far from competent or convincing.   In fact she came across as an insincere crafty manipulator.   All the time on about "values" "lifting people up" and other worn out prattle.   But if you skimmed across British media she comes across as an ethnic female version of Jesus Christ. 

    It matter not what you or I think .. what matters is what the American voters think.

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