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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I pulled the "Henry The Dog" Nomination myself you alpha numerate buffoon.
  2. Anyway nice knowing you H .. just don't let them bang the cell door shut behind you.
  3. Also beware Lord Longford's first name was Frank!
  4. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    It is an asylum and its full of seekers.
  5. Nothing like as hot as your hard drive you Moron.
  6. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    The poor fool did not realise that he was one of the mongs himself .. pity him.
  7. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    I always find Great Western staff to be very helpful and accommodating.
  8. In politics a week is a long time .. people forget very quickly, one death is tragedy .. a few thousand dead pensioners will be a statistic.
  9. Was he an Old Queen all along?
  10. He realised that he looked like a monkey.
  11. Oh look you got a like from Decimus .. seek help.
  12. Miles

    Mongs On A Plane

    He walks straight and proud .. with a zimmer frame, his year old Bentley is classed as cabin luggage.
  13. I am liking the cut of your jib Snipe .. harsh but likely to be true .. did little Lucy go to church?
  14. Looking less likely as there is more evidence against her being reported by the media.
  15. Your trouble H is that you care.
  16. https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/fuck-meter-idgaf-dont-give-a-fuck-no-fucks-given-negative-fucks-gif-16618157
  17. He could liven it up by jumping off that viaduct.
  18. It matter not what you or I think .. what matters is what the American voters think.
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